**Weekend Recap** {2.24.2020}

This weekend has been pretty chill. We have had cold weather, but the sun has been out. So, we have been super excited to get outside and enjoy some sunshine! 

This was a few days ago, but I saw this meme and knew it was made for me. 😉 

Fun fact, in high school I worked for Chick-fil-A, at this very one in the picture below. I worked there for 5 years and actually earned a $1,000 scholarship to use towards college. This CFA closed this past Saturday and will re-open in a new building just down the street where it is easier to get in and out (we hope) and a larger space. We had to go one more time to say goodbye. 

Here’s Addison playing with her Magna-tiles one night. She is really into them right now. 

I bought Joey some Comedian tickets for his birthday, for us and his brother and sister to all go. Friday night was the night, so Joey’s Mom watched the girls for us. We all went to eat and to get our laughs on. 

We went outside Saturday mid-morning, after it warmed up a little bit. Addison was picking flowers. I was trimming and tidying up our flower beds and vacuuming out my car. 

Smoothie time

We went to church Sunday morning and then took it easy yesterday afternoon. Addison napped. 

We went to eat with Nonna and Papaw last night. We haven’t seen them in almost 3 weeks, so we are super excited they are back home!! Addison always has to brush her teeth before leaving. 😉 

That was it for our weekend. We got everything ready for the upcoming work week. I sure did enjoy the break and the time spent with Addison. I snuggled up and got as many snuggles as I could. We ended our night watching Funniest Home Videos and American Idol. 

I hope you all have a fabulous week! See you back here on Wednesday for What’s Up Wednesday! Can’t believe it’s the last one of the month. Thanks for reading! 
