**Friday Favorites** {5.15.2020}

Happy Friday!! I can’t believe we’ve been doing Digital Learning for two months. Although, most of my students are finished for the summer, I’m still working with a couple students to get them caught up.

Today I’m linking up with the blogs AlittlebitofEverything and Momfessionals. I am sharing some of my favorite things from the week!! 🙂

I have been feeling ALL the love lately…… Last Friday when we were saying goodbye via video chat, it was very emotional. There were lots of tears shed by lots of students. I was very sad that I didn’t get to give them a normal goodbye with a hug. 

Last week was also Teacher Appreciation. Our admin and families were extra sweet to all of us. 



Joey and Addison spoiled me big time for Mother’s Day. I am so blessed to be Addison’s Mama. 

I got this silk pillowcase, which I’ve been eyeing for a while now. I’ve only been using it for four days, and I’m in love!! When I wake up in the morning, my hair doesn’t look like a rat’s nest. It’s still semi-styled. I don’t have to put as much heat on it in the mornings to get it to lie down. You all need one!!  #amazing

These are the shoes I got, and they have definitely been a favorite this week. They are very trendy right now and are comfortable. Which is right up my alley. 😉 

(Thank you Amazon Affiliate Links) 

I made this for dinner one night. It was very good, and I’m always looking for new recipes. So, here you go!! 

Since our summer started early, we got an above ground pool. We’ve been filling it up and getting it all ready. It’s still very cold, but we can’t wait to have some fun in it this summer. Here’s Addison helping us get it ready. 😉  

One of our favorites this week has been working in our garden and seeing the things grow. 

Our potatoes are sprouting up. 

Here’s our corn.

Here’s our green beans coming up. 

Mom and Dad cleaned out my old playhouse at their house. Addison has LOVED going in it and playing. Here she is swinging on the front porch. It was a favorite for her this week. 🙂

I hadn’t been to Trader Joe’s since before all of this started. So, making a Trade Joe run this week was definitely a favorite for me! I love all the things!! 

I picked up these peonies while there and added them to my roses at home. They are my favorite!! 

Finally, the sun came out yesterday, and the temperature began to rise. So, we enjoyed lots of outside time. We had missed the sunshine. 

That’s it for today.. I hope you all have a great weekend, and thank you for reading!