**What’s up Wednesday** {5.29.2024}

It’s the last Wednesday of the month. I am linking up with Mix and Match Mama and Sheaffer and sharing what has been going on with us lately. It’s a little food, a little family, a little what we’re wearing, a little what we’re doing, a little what we’re watching and a little bit of everything else all in one post. 

1. What We Are Eating This Week:

Sunday: We had a big lunch after church. Sunday night, we had popcorn. Haha! 😉

Monday: Ate at Mom & Dad’s. She cooked Ribs, baked potatoes, Cole slaw, baked beans, and brownies with ice cream

Tuesday: Burgers

Wednesday: Leftover Ribs with baked potatoes

Thursday: Out to Eat- we have dance rehearsal

Friday: Leftover hamburgers

Saturday: Kitchen’s closed! 

2. What I’m Reminiscing About: 

Give me all the Red, White, and Blue. A baby sporting patriotic colors, is just the cutest thing ever. This is from 2018. 

All the memories that keep popping up from Addison’s preschool are giving me all the feels. I miss these Mother’s day tea days. 

These are from 2021, 2022, and 2023. 

Spring Dance Recitals have been popping up on memories. 

I have loved reminiscing about her Pre-K and Kinder graduations.

3. What I’m Loving:

I am loving that the weather is getting warmer, and we are able to spend more time outside! 🙂

4. What We’ve Been Up To:

Poor Milo had surgery at the beginning of the month. He’s all good now. 

We visited the strawberry patch with friends. 

Addison wrapped up her soccer season, and she did great! We were sad to see it end. 

Joey and Addison spoiled me for Mother’s day! And, we enjoyed time celebrating our Mamas too! 

We had a great time celebrating at Nolan’s birthday party. 

We had so many sweet end of year celebrations! So proud of our 1st grader… moving on to 2nd grade! 

5. What I’m Dreading:

I’m not dreading anything! Come on Summer! 


6. What I’m Working On: 

I’m working on making a summer reading list! 

7. What I’m Excited About: 

I am really excited about all the fun things we have planned next month, sleeping in, hanging out with friends… All the things! 

8. What I’m Watching/Reading:

Joey and I finished up “Apples Never Fall” on Peacock. It was interesting. Not what we were expecting. I never read the book, so I can’t really compare the two.

Joey and I are making our way through “The Tattooist of Auschwitz” on Peacock. We both read the book, and so we were really excited when we saw they made it into a series. I will give a warning, it’s intense, but so is the book. 

I am reading Darling Girls by Sally Hepworth, and she’s done it again! This one is about girls who go to a foster home, and things are not as they seem. It toggles back and forth from present day and the past when they were in the home. Bones are found, under the home in present day, so there’s a bit of mystery too. It’s a good one! 

Darling Girls 

9. What I’m Listening To: 

Not a thing at the moment. 

10. What I’m Wearing: 

I posted these next two outfits, the other day, on my Festive finds post. But, they’re worth another spot here. 

The next two tops are the same. I loved the detailing along the top, and the ruffles on the sleeves. I couldn’t decide between the navy and the red, so I just got them both. 🙂

Lace Crochet Top / White Shorts 

And here is the same outfit just with the red top. 

Lace Crochet Top / White Shorts 


I also have this Eyelet Tank, but I don’t have a real life pic. It’s a go-to. I wore it all the time last summer! 

Eyelet Tank

I needed some new, easy flip flops. Milo chewed my last ones up. Ugh! I saw these Archie’s on Amazon. The Ad sucked me in. Ha! They had great reviews, come in lots of color options, and I love that they have arch support. I need it! 

Archie’s Flip Flops 

11. What I’m Doing This Weekend: 

This weekend we have Addison’s Spring Dance Recital! Not sure what else we have going on. We may do some work around the yard and in the flower beds. 

12. What I’m Looking Forward to Next Month:

Lots of friend and family time, a beach trip, and it’s summer, so hopefully not a lot. 

13. Favorite Amazon Find:

Since getting Milo, I feel like our house might have a dog smell. I know it’s inevitable, but I don’t want our house to smell like a dog. I ordered this 2-pack of odor removing gel beads. I just got it in yesterday, but I’m really eager to see if it works. It’s great for other odor eliminators too- not just for dogs. Plus, it has really good reviews on Amazon! 

Fresh Wave Odor Removing Gel 

14. What Else Is New:

That’s it! 🙂

Thank you all for reading. Today is my last day of school for the 2024 year! I’m excited to get the summer started!! 

I hope you have an awesome day!! See you back here on Friday! 


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