**Let’s Look at…. Our Summer Schedule** {6.12.2024}

Happy Happy Wednesday friends!! How’s your week going? 

Alright, so let’s get to it! On the second Wednesday of every month, I link up with Shay from MixandMatchMama and Erika from ALittleBitofEverything. Today, we are talking about our Summer schedule.

Our summer schedules are not strict at all! And, they very much vary day to day depending on what we have going on. 

Typically, I get up around 7:30 and make me a cup of coffee to enjoy on the patio for some quiet time. 

Addison usually gets up around 8-8:30 and moseys into the living room to watch some TV for a bit. 

I will make us some breakfast- usually something easy. 

Then, we might get together with friends at the pool. 

Or, we might just chill at home- work on decluttering and cleaning and resting. 

Or we might go shopping. There are lots of possibilities. Haha! 

We love when cousins come over. 

I love having lots of reading time. 

Joey gets home from work, typically around 4 or a little after. I have been cooking easy stuff lately. 

Burgers, Mexican Bowls, Asian Bowls, Salads, Sheet Pan meals. I don’t like anything heavy this time of year. 

After dinner and cleaning up the kitchen, we will usually spend some time outside. It might be playing, going for a walk or just hanging out on the patio. The weather has been beautiful lately and not real hot yet. We are trying to soak it in while we can. 

Joey still has to work, so he’s in bed early. I typically read for a while and get in the bed about 11. 

And that’s our typical day in June & July. 

I can’t wait to read about your summer schedules! 

And here are my Let’s Look posts so far this year. 

January: How We Clean Our Closets 

February: Little Things We do Every Single Day 

March: What’s in Our Grocery Cart

April: I skipped… so busy!

May: My Summer Closet Staples

Thanks for reading!! I hope you have the best day! 

See you back here on Friday! 


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  • Carrie @ Curly Crafty Mom

    Hi! I’m Carrie- I’m stopping by from Shay’s link up. Your summer looks pretty relaxing! I love going to the pool!! We are going on a Disney cruise soon and I’m hoping to get a lot of pool time in on the boat. 🙂 Oh, I am right there with you with simple dinners this time of year. I feel like my energy level is low by the time dinner comes around and I just want something light and fresh!
