**Hello Monday** {7.22.2024}

Well it’s officially the last day of summer break. I can’t believe it’s already over. We have had a great one. 

Like the norm, I’m linking up with Holly and Sarah for Hello Monday and sharing a recap of our weekend and last week.

Last Monday, I got up and made me a cup of ambition in my new cup I got in Tennessee. 😉 

We packed a lunch and some water wear and headed to meet up with friends at the park and splash pad. It was soooo hot, so we only stayed a couple hours. Me & Brit were melting. 

Tuesday, Addison and I had an appt to get her passport. 

Then, we headed to meet up with Mom and went to some shops. 

We also got most of our school supplies. 

We met up with Aunt Dot for lunch. I’ll miss these fun lunch dates. 

So, we have been talking with some different pool companies trying to get the best price, go with the one with the best reviews, and do what feels right. 

We had an appt to check out one that had just been put in that was the size and shape/style we were looking at. There were some things that I would change, but we were excited to get a real life look. 

Wednesday, I had an early morning Dentist appointment. 

I headed home and packed Addison and I a bag to head to the lake house for a few days. 

So glad that Isabel could tag along with us and so was Addison! 

Thursday morning enjoying a slow morning on the deck. 

Of course the girls were begging when we could go down to the water. 

We were dodging rain showers and lightning/thunder throughout the day. So, we were back and forth a lot. 

All the girls wanted to do was ride the tube. They were laughing so hard that I could hear them from the dock. 

I was in my element. 

Later that evening, we went up and all got showers and ready to grab a bite to eat. 

The girls were happy to play some games while they wanted on their food. 

On the way back to the house, we stopped at a nearby field to take some pictures of these gorgeous sunflowers. We loved our impromptu photo session. The sky was beautiful too! 

Friday morning, we got up and got going back home fairly quickly. We were home by lunch. 

I was excited to get home and find all my Prime purchases. 

Some of my Nordstrom Anniversary sale pieces started trickling in too. 

I got these Cozetta Cozy slippers in Thundercloud. However, it doesn’t look like there are many left. 🙁 But keep looking because they are popping in and out of stock. 

Here are some that are not on sale. 

Saturday morning, we went to the dance studio to get new dance shoes for the year. She’s doing Ballet, Tap and Jazz. 

I ran to the grocery store, then did laundry, cleaned and mopped the floors. 

Later Saturday night we went to eat at The Salty Mule. It was really good! 

Sunday morning, Joey got up at 4 am to meet up with Colin. They met up with a bunch of their running buddies to do a challenge- eat an Allstar Breakfast as quickly as possible then run a 5k. The time begins when you start eating. 

Sounds terrible, but they said they had fun and didn’t throw up. Colin came in 1st and Joey came in 5th. 

He came home, and we got ready for church. 

It was a cloudy and dreary day. I worked on this blog post once we got home then did some reading. We had a pretty low key afternoon. 

We ate dinner at Mom & Dads then got ready for our week. I’m off to get lab work on my last day of summer break. Doesn’t that sound so exciting?!? Haha! Have a great week, friends! 


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