**Friday Favorites** {7.26.2024}

Well, I’m officially back partly in the swing of things. We have had preplanning this week and have 3 more days next week. I told my friends, it’s only day 3, and I’m having a hard time getting up early. Haha! 

Like the norm, I’m linking up with the blogs AlittlebitofEverything and Momfessionals and sharing my favorite things from the week.

Monday, I had to get blood work which is not really a favorite, but I treated myself with a Starbucks after. 

While we were home, I looked around and recognized so many things that I needed to do on my last day of summer break. 

I pulled some weeds from the flower beds and snapped this picture of a butterfly on my hydrangea. It made my happy. 

I saw this on a friend’s page and it made me so sad. It’s so true. 

This was me and Addison heading to drop off her with my parents and me back to school on Tuesday. 

We met up at the local college for a kickoff breakfast and faculty meeting. 

Mom sent this pic of her and Addison checking on Milo. 

Addison was being silly and wanted to get in her old pack n’ play at Mom’s house. It is always a yes day when she’s at Nonna and Pappaw’s house. 

I’ve enjoyed seeing my teacher friends this week. 

Our team has dwindled down so much since last year. And in this picture I was laughing at something that was said, so you can only see the top of my head. 

Yesterday, our team was running around preparing for meet and greet. Bree and I snapped a pic before all the chaos. 

Here is a picture of mine and Bree’s office this year. We are trying to make it look inviting. 

I Love Colleen Rothschild products! They are a favorite that I use every single day.  Colleen Rothschild products don’t go on sale often, so when they do, you better snag a lot of things! Everything is 25% off with code: JULY25

This is big!! Here are some of my favorite products! 

Vitamin C Brightening Serum helps with dark spots and uneven skin tone

Last night, Joey, Milo and I went for a walk. It wasn’t too hot outside, so we enjoyed chatting and walking. 

That’s it for my week! We have Meet n’ Greet today, and I have a fun weekend going to meet up with some of my college friends, and we are all bringing our girls. It’s going to be a lot of girls, but I know we will have so much fun and so many laughs. 

Have a great weekend, friends! 


Thank you to Amazon and Collective Voice for sponsoring this post! This post contains affiliate links.


  • Joyce

    It’s tough getting back in the groove after the summertime. It takes a couple of weeks I think to feel the new rhythms. Yes, motherhood for sure is full of seasons, one just rolling in to the next without you always realizing it’s the end of one thing and the start of something new. I will say, grown children are wonderful. Mine both have babies now and while there are many challenges to the ’empty nest’ and aging in general, grandchildren are an absolute joy. I’m meeting up with some college friends today and am so looking forward to that. Enjoy your girls weekend! Sounds so special.

  • Scriptor

    I’ve seen that one about mom grief and it’s so true! I’ve been thinking a lot about it as my yougnest is leaving elementary this year. I kind of miss when they were yougner at the same time as I look forward to all the new things they’ll do as they age. It’s tough sometimes though, for sure.