**Hello Monday** {8.5.2024}

Happy Monday friends! How was your weekend? 

Like the norm, I’m linking up with Holly and Sarah for Hello Monday and sharing a recap of our weekend.

Friday, we celebrated Bree turning the big 30!!! She is definitely thirty, flirty, and thriving. 😉 

We left right when school was out and headed up to Blue Ridge for a short camping trip. This was a rescheduled trip from May. It’s about an hour and 3o minutes from our house, so not a bad drive. 

Addison jumped out and headed to the creek right away. 

After picking up some BBQ for dinner, we took a little walk around the park and ended up at the playground. 

When we got back to the camper, I walked down to the rocks and saw this snake skin. Eeek! 

Even though it’s a good snake, I didn’t want to come face to face with it. Snakes are out bad right now around where we live. 

We had a fairly early bed time. 

Saturday morning, we realized that we should have turned the sound machine on for the dog because he woke up barking and whining at 5:10 am. He heard a rooster crowing. Joey and I wanted to strangle the rooster because then there was no going back to sleep. 

Once it got light enough outside, we took a walk. 

Joey cooked bacon on the grill, and I made some eggs and grits inside. 

Even though the resort had a pool, we thought it would be fun to float the little creek behind our camp. 

We took a trip to Walmart to grab some river rafts. 

Addison and Joey were having a blast. I wasn’t too sure if I wanted to try it out. The water was freezing. I was afraid there might be snakes. It was just a little much to think about. However, after some begging from Addison, I decided to try it out. It was hot, so the water felt nice. 

We enjoyed a very relaxing day just chilling, reading, and lots of outside time. 

Joey grilled out for dinner. 

Addison and Milo enjoyed playing outside. 

We had smores that evening, but I forgot to get any pictures. 

Sunday morning, we got all packed up and headed back home. 

Once back home, we unloaded the camper and started working on laundry. 

I had to make a Target run for the week. 

We had a lot to do to get ready for the school week. I hope ya’ll are having a great day! Thanks for reading! 


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