**Hello Monday** {9.23.2024}

Well Hello, friends!! I’m back after a week off. We had a great Fall break!

Like the norm, I’m linking up with Holly and Sarah for Hello Monday and sharing a recap of our weekend.

I don’t have a lot to share today for our weekend. We got home about 3 on Friday. 

Saturday, started out okay. I was cleaning up a storm and doing lots of laundry. However, as the day went on, I started feeling bad. By Saturday afternoon, I was out- no energy, chilling, running a low grade fever. No fun at all! 

Addison and Joey were great nurses to me. She also put this Lego Simba together. It turned out so cute! 

I couldn’t make it to church yesterday either. Addison and Joey went without me. I was hopeful that another day of rest would help. 

Here are just a few pics from our week at Disney. A trip recap is coming in the future. 🙂

And that’s a wrap on our weekend. I will be back on Wednesday for our monthly link up. See ya then! 


Thank you to Amazon and Collective Voice for sponsoring this post! This post contains affiliate links.


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