**Let’s Look At…. How We Reset for the Week** {3.12.2025}
Happy Happy Wednesday friends!! It’s crazy how fast 2025 is flying by. Here we are already in March.
Alright, so let’s get to it! On the second Wednesday of every month, I link up with Shay from MixandMatchMama and Erika from ALittleBitofEverything. Today, we are talking about how we prepare for the upcoming week.

Plan, Plan, Plan… Plan and Prep all the things.
I like to do some meal prepping for the week, on the weekend. It just makes life so much easier in the week. I like to make these egg muffins. They’re very convenient to grab and go in the mornings.
These sausage muffins on the right are a favorite!

I typically try to look at our week ahead and figure out what is going on. If I have meetings after school and need to find someone for pickup, if we have sports, appointments, or other events going on that are different. This is my favorite planner: Life Planner. I also try to cue Joey in on everything that’s going on.
I use my Weekly At a Glance notepad for weekly meal planning.

We try to get grocery shopping done on the weekends. I try to grab things for the week that make our lives easier. I do enjoy a Costco rotisserie chicken, Trader Joe’s soup and sometimes will make some air fryer meals to divide up for lunches.

I like to wash and cut up fruit for the week. Again.. easy.

I try to do most of our laundry on the weekend. I typically don’t have time through the week, unless it’s something that just comes up at the last minute and needs washing.

I sign folders, make lunches, and get clothes ready for the next day the nights before. We don’t have time for all this in the mornings. My alarm goes off at 4:40 a.m., and we are usually leaving around 6:15. I don’t want to have to get up any earlier, so I’m doing whatever I can the night before to help our mornings run smoothly. This might include running or yelling after Milo to go potty in the mornings. 😉
What else do I need to do to make my life easier?
And here are the Let’s Look prompts for the year!
January: Low Level Goals for 2025
February: How We Work on Our Marriage
Next Month’s Topic: Maintaining Friendships

I’ll see you back on Friday!

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