**Friday Favorites** {10.15.2021}

Hey Everyone! Happy Friday! So excited we are getting closer to Halloween! What are your kids dressing up as? Addison wants to be Moana. 

Like the norm, I’m linking up with the blogs AlittlebitofEverything and Momfessionals and sharing all about our favorites from the week.

We only had 4 days with students this week since Monday was a professional learning day. I still felt like the week was long. Anyone else? 

We did have coffee and donuts during professional learning, so that made it a little more enjoyable. 

Last Friday, Addison and I stopped by Trader Joe’s. These were some of our favorite finds. 

Addison had a firefighter come visit her school this week. She got a plastic fire hat and was so excited after school that day, to tell me all about it. Thank you to these firefighters that made our girl so happy! 

Princess running after school is a favorite. 

Tomato soup and Grilled Cheese on a cool Fall evening was a favorite at our house. 

Wednesday night, I met some coworkers for dinner. I was able to run into Hobby Lobby for a few minutes and enjoyed perusing all the Holiday decorations. Makes me so happy. 

I ordered this shirt off Etsy for Addison. When I saw it, I knew she had to have it. It had her name written all over it. 😉

I’ve ordered a few favorite things from Amazon lately. This pumpkin shirt has been a favorite. 

And this hayride shirt, from Amazon, that is similar to mine is great to wear to all the Fall festivities.  Find it here

On Wednesday, I shared about how and where I store all my Holiday decor. If you missed it, check it out here

What do you guys have going on for your weekend? We have our school Fall Festival tonight. Tomorrow we have plans to go to my College Town for a festival, Gold Rush. We haven’t been able to go to for a few years. So, excited to go to that and see some of my old college friends. I hope you all have a great weekend! 


Thank you to Amazon and Shopstyle for sponsoring this post! This post contains affiliate links.

One Comment

  • Joanne

    Cinnamon bun spread sounds amazing! My husband and I are taking off for the weekend up to New Hampshire to get in one last weekend of hiking.