**July Beach Vacation Recap** {8.3.2022}

Earlier this month we went on a short camping trip to the beach. We had a fun trip right before the craziness began. 

Addison and I met Joey at his work, and we left from there around lunch time. We got to Eastpoint, Florida area around 5. The second picture was the view from our campsite toward the sound. It was great! 

We quickly set up, unloaded some things and headed to eat dinner right on the water. 

After dinner, we headed back to the campground and walked around the park to check things out. 

Friday morning, we were up bright and early and headed to the beach. We stopped and got Iced Coffees/Smoothies on our way. 

We took a walk by the Lighthouse on St. George Island before heading over to the beach. Addison loves the water! It’s hard to keep her out. 

She had a brief snack and met a friend to play with. 

We decided since we really didn’t eat lunch, we would eat an early dinner. We headed to the Blue Parrot around 4. We had a delicious meal with a gorgeous view! It was right on the beach, and all were welcome in bathing suits or in normal attire. So, my grunge/salty hair look fit right in. Ha! 

When we got back to camp, we rinsed off some sand and Addison wanted to head to the pool for a bit. 

The night was still early, so we made some smores then took a walk over to the sound. It was so peaceful. We were also trying to wait for it to get dark……

So we could watch Sing 2 on the projector outside. It was such a fun family night! 

Outdoor Projector

Saturday morning, we woke up to Addison losing one of her front teeth. 

It was pretty cloudy, and we headed out for a morning brisk walk. We also walked out on this dock on the sound. 

We did go to the beach this day. I just didn’t get any pictures. We came back to camp and got cleaned up for dinner. We ate dinner right on the river in Apalachicola at Half Shell Dockside. 

We tried to get a selfie, but it wasn’t working out too well…. lol. Thankfully, this sweet lady asked us if she could take it for us. 

And, since it’s vacation, we headed back over to Saint George Island for some ice cream. 

Sunday we woke up to really gloomy weather. It was very cloudy and rainy. This was our last day, so we definitely wanted to go back to the beach. We stayed in the camper and watched movies/tv for a while. I read some. We eventually went for a drive to a neighboring town just to get out. And we ended up going to lunch/early dinner around 3 because we were hopeful the weather was going to clear up. 

And, it finally did around 5…. Thank goodness! 

We ended up meeting some of our friends who have a place in Eastpoint and their family, at the beach. Addison had so much fun! Because it was later in the day, the heat wasn’t miserable. We stayed on the beach until almost 8:00. It was great! 

There was even a sea turtle nest. 

And Monday morning, we ate breakfast and headed back north to Georgia. 

That’s it for our short, little family trip. We had a great time and so much fun making memories. I do love to travel and go places and make memories. They’re only little for a short time. I hope you guys are having a great week! I’ll see you back here on Friday! 


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