**Hello Monday** {2.6.2023}

Friday, I got a call from Addison’s teacher a little before lunch that she was running a fever. So, off I went to get her. I ended up going ahead and taking her to Children’s Urgent care in hopes that they could give her something to kick it out fast.

And, she was positive for strep, so luckily, we could get some antibiotics and start the process of feeling better.
But first, a nap.

I was able to get a little work done, while she napped. I had on my Red to support Children’s Heart health.

We couldn’t go to her last scheduled basketball game. She was feeling better, but she hadn’t had the medicine in her system long enough.
It was very chilly outside. We did get rid of our old breakfast table. Some of my former teacher friends said they could definitely use and wanted it. Yay!
By that afternoon, she was pretty much back to her normal self. She ended up spending the night with my Dad & Mom. Joey and I ran some errands then went to grab some dinner at Dive. It was our first time there, and it was very good! I got grouper. We both had plenty to take home for leftovers.

Mom sent this picture. She was having a blast playing Twister.

Pink Eye made its way into my left eye. Ugh! It’s awful ya’ll! And, I was very congested and just didn’t feel very good. So, I took it easy around the house. Joey went on to church.
I got ready a little bit and went on to pick up Addison. She was doing so much better! Mom ended up riding with us to the Outlet mall. We grabbed Addison some shorts and some more pajamas for our upcoming trip in a few weeks. She had to do a few jumps through the hop scotch. LOL

We got back home, and I did a few things around the house, and we all played soccer for a few minutes. I really didn’t have a lot of energy. So, I did lay down for a bit just to rest.
We went back to eat at Mom & Dad’s house, and Addison and I played a few rounds of Guess Who.
Then it was back home for baths, getting lunches made, getting clothes out and ready, and early bed times. I really could use another day to rest, but no time for that. 🙂

I hope you have a great start to your week, and I’ll see you back here for a little link-up on Wednesday!

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I’m always sort of relieved when my kids test postivite for strep (or anything requireing an antibiotic!) because then at least I know they’ll be feeling better in just 24 hours or so. Glad the trip to urgent care was worth it!
I know… it’s bad to say, but I am relieved when it’s strep too. Antibiotics to kick it out quickly!
Holly Breton @ Pink Lady
Oh glad Addison is on the mend- it is amazing what antibiotics can do! Hope you have a great week!
Thank you, Holly! 🙂