**Friday Favorites** {5.31.2024}

Well friends, it’s the first Friday of Summer break, and we are so giddy around here! Ready to kick off! 

Like the norm, I’m linking up with the blogs AlittlebitofEverything and Momfessionals and sharing my favorite things from the week.

I snapped a pic with my girl, on her last day of school. I rounded out year 16, and she finished 1st grade! Love being at the same school! 

Last Saturday night, we had some s’mores. 

I snapped a pic of us on the way to church Sunday. Happy girls! 

Sunday afternoon, we went to the park and rode bikes with Milo. I forgot to snap any pics. On the way home, we stopped by DQ. 

Tuesday, I had to go to work. Mom and Dad watched Addison. They had a blast going on a jeep ride. She was living her best life. 

Tuesday night, we met up with friends, on the green to watch the Braves game play. Ha! 

Sutton and Addison were great keeping up with Hays. 

Sweet friends! 

Wednesday was my last day of school. We wrapped up around 1:30, and a few of us headed to Shannan’s pool. We had so much fun! 

Wednesday night, Addison wanted to sleep in our room, in a fort. Sure! Why not! It’s summer! Of course Joey still has to work. 

Last night, we had Addison’s dance dress rehearsal. They were so cute! 

On Wednesday, I shared “What’s up Wednesday” post. If you missed it, check it out here

That wraps up our week. I hope you have a fun-filled weekend! See ya Monday, friends! 


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