• **Friday Favorites** {6.14.2024}

    Happy Friday Friends!! We have had a busy week full of many, many Church days.  Like the norm, I’m linking up with the blogs AlittlebitofEverything and Momfessionals and sharing my favorite things from the week. I made my Nanny’s pound cake for one of our meals this week and was so excited that it didn’t stick to the pan! This is a huge feat for me because it typically does and then I get very sad. So this is a win for me!  Monday, we ran by my Aunt Dot’s house and checked out their new addition. It was the pool house, but it caught on fire this past Spring and pretty much demolished…

  • **Let’s Look at…. Our Summer Schedule** {6.12.2024}

    Happy Happy Wednesday friends!! How’s your week going?  Alright, so let’s get to it! On the second Wednesday of every month, I link up with Shay from MixandMatchMama and Erika from ALittleBitofEverything. Today, we are talking about our Summer schedule. Our summer schedules are not strict at all! And, they very much vary day to day depending on what we have going on.  Typically, I get up around 7:30 and make me a cup of coffee to enjoy on the patio for some quiet time.  Addison usually gets up around 8-8:30 and moseys into the living room to watch some TV for a bit.  I will make us some breakfast- usually something easy. …

  • **Hello Monday** {6.10.2024}

    Hello Monday! Another weekend has come and gone, but it’s okay because we are out for the Summer.  Like the norm, I’m linking up with Holly and Sarah for Hello Monday and sharing a recap of our weekend. Friday was National Donut day, so we had to get some donuts to celebrate. 😉  Friday, we met Cindy and Adalynn at the Aquatic center. It was really busy! Addison even saw a friend from school.  The girls had so much fun, and I love that they have each other.  Friday night, Addison & Adalynn went to spend the night with Michael and Christy.  They enjoyed Your Pie. Then he even taught them how to play…

  • **Friday Favorites** {6.7.2024}

    Hey Friends!! Here we are already back at Friday. Another week of Summer break has come and gone, and we are just hoping for a slowdown.  Like the norm, I’m linking up with the blogs AlittlebitofEverything and Momfessionals and sharing my favorite things from the week. I ordered Addison a new swim cover up. It’s a little short, but I think it will be good for wearing to the pool and beach. It comes in different color options.  Girl’s Swim Cover Up And then, I ordered myself this black knit cover up. I have a couple different ones, but I liked that this one was sleeveless. The open back detail is fun! Just excuse…

  • **Summer Reading List** {6.5.2024}

    Hello Friends!! … it is summer time, and my favorite time to read! And my favorite type of books to read. Give me a chair on the beach, with a book, and I can be content for hours.  Today, I’m sharing some books I plan to read this summer in hopes to give you some inspiration. Most of these are by favorite authors and tried and true. So, fingers crossed, they don’t let me down with their newest reads.  Some of these books are already out, and some are coming out later this summer. I will specify. 😉  I typically read books on my Kindle Paperwhite but lately, I will buy…

  • **Hello Monday** {6.3.2024}

    Hello Monday! Today is our first full week of Summer break, and we are ready to get it started!  Like the norm, I’m linking up with Holly and Sarah for Hello Monday and sharing a recap of our weekend. Joey and Addison had a daughter Daddy date night to the Braves game Friday night. They stopped by The Varsity for a traditional Atlanta staple.  They had a great time at the game, but Joey said she was ready to go soon after getting there. He kept having to feed her to get her interested. Haha!  Meanwhile, I was out with some girl friends. We ate some really yummy Mexican.  Then, we headed to one…