**Hello Monday** {6.3.2024}

Hello Monday! Today is our first full week of Summer break, and we are ready to get it started! 

Like the norm, I’m linking up with Holly and Sarah for Hello Monday and sharing a recap of our weekend.

Joey and Addison had a daughter Daddy date night to the Braves game Friday night. They stopped by The Varsity for a traditional Atlanta staple. 

They had a great time at the game, but Joey said she was ready to go soon after getting there. He kept having to feed her to get her interested. Haha! 

Meanwhile, I was out with some girl friends. We ate some really yummy Mexican. 

Then, we headed to one of our neighboring towns downtown area and went to the coolest place. So much fun with these girls! 

We all had a late night, so we definitely enjoyed sleeping in. We slowly got up and had an easy morning out on the patio. This Mama and baby deer were peeping at us. We were just hoping they weren’t feasting on our garden. 

We headed to Lowe’s in the afternoon to grab some more flowers. 

We grilled out Saturday night and just had an easy night at home. Addison built a fort and slept in the living room. Her favorite thing is a fort. 

Sunday morning, we were up fairly early and getting ready for Addison’s Dance Recital. The theme was “Once Upon a Princess”. They all did awesome! I love the singing, music, and dancing. It’s always an amazing production! 

She definitely enjoys herself more in Tap. 😉 

We had the sweetest people come to cheer her on. We definitely missed some that couldn’t attend. 

Grandma and Emma sent a card since they couldn’t attend. She sure does love her some Adalynn. #sweetcousins

When we left, I had Joey throw me out at Nordstrom Rack to look for a few things. 

When we got home, we had to take Milo out and change quickly. Mom and Dad got Addison flowers and this fake flower with money attached. 

We headed to meet up with family for dinner. We were celebrating my sweet Papa turning 94 yesterday! 

And that wraps up our weekend… we have a busy upcoming week. But, today, we are heading to the pool with friends. Hope you have a great Monday, friends! 


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