**Friday Favorites** {6.14.2024}

Happy Friday Friends!! We have had a busy week full of many, many Church days. 

Like the norm, I’m linking up with the blogs AlittlebitofEverything and Momfessionals and sharing my favorite things from the week.

I made my Nanny’s pound cake for one of our meals this week and was so excited that it didn’t stick to the pan! This is a huge feat for me because it typically does and then I get very sad. So this is a win for me! 

Monday, we ran by my Aunt Dot’s house and checked out their new addition. It was the pool house, but it caught on fire this past Spring and pretty much demolished it. They ended up filling their pool in because all the equipment and pumps burned, and they really were tired of maintaining it. We were extra sad, but we also understood. 

We picked up this cookies n’ cream cake, and it was definitely a favorite. I love how creamy it is. 

Tuesday afternoon, we had everyone over to our house. I ordered a Taco bar, and it’s always so good! The kids had so much fun playing. 

After everyone left, Addison was wiped out. She enjoyed a 2 hour nap. I tried to nap, but sleep never came, so I just read. 

Wednesday, we went to our friend’s house for lunch. They were all jumping on Joey. 

They recently moved into their new house, and it was beautiful! 

We stopped by Joey’s Granny’s house and picked some blueberries. This is always a favorite every summer! 

Yesterday, we had lunch with church friends. Kason is a favorite. 

Yesterday afternoon, I had a spa appointment. Getting some pampering is always a favorite. 

Unfortunately, the carpenter bees have been loving our new wood on the patio. I ordered these artificial hives, from Amazon, and they seem to be helping! 

Artificial Hives

Wednesday, I posted about our Summer schedule. If you missed it, check it out here

That’s it for our week! I will be taking next week off to enjoy vacation with my family! I hope you guys have a great weekend, and I’m wishing all the Dads a Happy Father’s Day!! Thanks for stopping by! 


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