**Hello Monday** {7.1.2024}

Hey friends!! Happy Monday! Did ya’ll have a good weekend? Ours was HOT and full of partying! 

Like the norm, I’m linking up with Holly and Sarah for Hello Monday and sharing a recap of our weekend.

We had Joey’s Dads birthday party at our house this weekend. There were potentially over 60 people planning to come, so we had a lot of prep work to do. 

We started earlier last week gathering tables, tents, and chairs. 

Saturday morning, we worked on decorating and putting everything up. Holy cow it was HOT! It was about 95 degrees while we were decorating. 

Joey was the grill master and started grilling that afternoon. 

I snapped a pic of these cuties before everyone arrived. 

Thankfully a little rain shower came through and cooled things down a little. However, the humidity did not go down much. 

The birthday boy arrived, and he was surprised! 

The menu was hamburgers, hotdogs, baked beans, different kinds of chip and dip. 

We had a lot of different desserts- one being this sugar overload cake. I also made 4 cannisters of homemade ice cream. It was hot, so it melted quickly. 

I think everyone had a great time, and Michael enjoyed himself. 

Sunday, we worked on cleaning, taking everything down, and delivering what we borrowed. 

We were going to run to Costco but decided to wait. We figured it would be extremely busy with the upcoming holiday. So, I’ll go one day this week. 

Last night, we ate Chicken foil packets with corn, carrots, potatoes and onions at my Dad and Moms. Addison ended up staying the night. Once I got home, I got this pic of them making Icees. I know she was living her best life.  

That’s it for our weekend! What do you guys have going on this week? Do you have plans for the 4th? 

I’ll see ya back on Wednesday! 


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