**July Weekend Trip** {7.17.2024}

Last weekend, we headed north for one last hoorah for the summer. 

Joey worked a half day on Thursday, and we left for Tennessee. 

We took the camper. It’s just easier to have our own space. We got set up and headed to grab a pizza. 

Addison was begging to get in the pool, so we hurried back for her to do a quick swim. 

She also wanted to ride her bike and walk in the river. 

We stayed at Sun Outdoors RV Resort and love the location and all the amenities for kids. 

Friday morning, Joey went for an early run. This woke the dog up, so I went ahead and took him out for an early walk. 

Once everyone got back, Joey cooked the breakfast meat on the Blackstone. I cooked the eggs and grits inside. 

I snapped a few pictures of our set up. 

While we were there, the campground was having “Christmas in July”. All these cute, little campers were decorated for Christmas, and it was so cute. We loved it! 

She wanted to get a jump on the jumping pillow before the heat settled in. 

Then we got ready and headed to Dollywood theme park. It’s always a favorite! We have season passes, so we like to go a few times a year during the different celebrations. 

I was loving being chauffeured around. You can peep Joey behind us, in one of the pics. 

She got a face painting. Which surprisingly lasted, for the most part, despite the hot temps. 

We love lots of the rides in the Carnival area. 

We loaded up on the train with about 1,000 other people People were smelling ripe. Me being one of them. Haha! 

After the train ride, we had to get some cinnamon bread. It is the best! 

Then, we rode some more rides. 

However, I had to take a little break because after the cinnamon rides, the extreme temperatures, the sweat, and the roller coasters, Joey and I were feeling a little nauseous. 

We took the opportunity to see the Bubble show, in air conditioning, which turned out to be really cool. 

Addison had been begging to do the river ride. I declined. Joey agreed. 

I am glad I declined because they were soaked. I hate walking around in wet clothes. Chafing is not fun. 😉

We headed back over to the little bears. 

There was a dance party, and Addison joined in on the fun. 

We persevered and lasted until the fireworks and the drone show. 

After that, mine and Addison’s head was pounding. I was ready to get a shower and in some air conditioning. 

Saturday, we were glad to have a rest day. 

We had a slow morning then headed up to the pool area. I was excited to get in some reading time. 

I didn’t get much because I was in the water most of the time. It was miserably HOT! 

We stayed at the pool area most of the day. We did leave to go grab an ice cream around lunch. 

We went to eat at the Alamo for dinner. It was my birthday meal from them, and it was so good! 

Sunday morning, we packed up, went to grab a quick breakfast, then headed back home. 

It was a short trip, but I’m glad we fit it in. We had a lot of fun! 

That’s all for today! I hope you are having the best day! 


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