**Friday Favorites** {8.9.2024}

Hey Hey Friday!! So happy to see you! We have finished our first full week with students and are starting to feel like we are back in a routine. 

Like the norm, I’m linking up with the blogs AlittlebitofEverything and Momfessionals and sharing my favorite things from the week.

Have you guys tried these Yasso Frozen Greek Yogurt bites? They are delicious and have been a new favorite this week. They’re a nice, little sweet treat. 

Monday, after school, I had to run to the tire place because my tire had a nail in it, and I was afraid it would start leaking fast. Watching my little/big girl still play in the kid area was a favorite. 

My Aunt Dot dropped me off a coffee this week. A sweet, delicious pick me up was a favorite. 

We started back to dance this week. Addison is loving adding jazz to her ballet and tap classes. 

I snapped this picture of Milo one morning. 

Then Mom took him to the groomer for me. His hair was so thick there wasn’t much they could do with it. They had to cut it short. He looks like a completely different dog. He looks so sad. Haha! 

We met Penny, Cindy and Adalynn for dinner on Wednesday night. Watching these girls grow up together is always a favorite. 

This is a big favorite! Who is going tonight to see the movie? I have tickets with a group of girlfriends, and I can’t wait! So excited!! 

Joey came back last night from a work trip. We were so happy to have him back at home. 

That’s it for our week. We have a few fun things going on this weekend. I hope you have a fun one!

 I’ll see you back on Monday! 


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