**Hello Monday** {8.12.2024}

Well, Hello Monday! Here we are back to another week. 

Like the norm, I’m linking up with Holly and Sarah for Hello Monday and sharing a recap of our weekend.

Friday, at school, we had our Tribal Reveal kickoff assembly. Addison is the green Bear tribe, and I’m so excited that I am the same tribe! 

They also had a Fundraiser kickoff and I knew so many of the cuties that were called up. 😉 

Friday night, I had a girl’s night out. We first headed to the Mexican restaurant and had a fan-tabulous time! We definitely got in lots of laughing. 

Our main purpose of the night was to watch “It Ends with Us” on opening night! So good! I can’t recall all the details from the book, but I do remember majority of it being the same. 

We had a great time! 

Meanwhile, upon returning home I realized Milo had chewed up another remote, another of my shoes and another pair of Addison’s shoes. Ugh! 

Saturday morning, I did some cleaning and laundry. 

Then, we headed to Hayes’ house to celebrate his birthday! The kids had a blast! 

Happy 3rd birthday, Hayes! 

The adults had fun too! 

After the party, we headed to Costco to grab some essentials. This Dreamsicle cheesecake quickly became a must. Haha! 

We took all the groceries home, hung out for a bit, then headed to dinner. 

We were trying to think of somewhere different. None of us could decide- except Addison, who always request CFA. But not happening. 

We ended up at Bahama Breeze which we haven’t eaten at in years. It was a nice change. 

Sunday morning, Joey and Colin met up super early to run. You know because they’re training for the 100 mile trail run in December. 

On the way home, he stopped and got me a coffee and donuts. Such a sweetie. 🙂

We all got ready and headed to church. 

Afterward, Addison was begging to go to the park and ride her bike. Even though it was hot as blue blazes, we took her and went one lap. 

Then we wrapped up our night by getting ready for our week. I hope you have a great week! 

See ya back on Wednesday! 


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