**Hello Monday** {8.26.2024}

Happy Monday, Friends!! How are ya’ll today? 

Like the norm, I’m linking up with Holly and Sarah for Hello Monday and sharing a recap of our weekend.

Friday, we went to dinner with Joey’s Mom and younger sister, Emma. I didn’t take any pictures to document. #fail  Haha! Probably because my brain was dead from the school week. 

We were early to bed, and it was great! 

Saturday morning brought cooler temps. It was wonderful sitting outside on the patio. I got in some reading time, and was so excited to have time to read. 

After some relaxing time, I had to pivot to the usual cleaning. I never get anything done during the week, as far as cleaning. So, Saturday morning is spent cleaning bathrooms, dusting, mopping, lots of laundry and whatever else needs to be accomplished. 

That night we were meeting friends for dinner.  


I’m so glad these girls are friends. 

Her Mama and I have been friends since the 8th grade. Love this family! 

After some pizza, the kids talked us into ice cream. 

A sweet, family friend that I’ve known all my life passed away this past week. He was a gentle giant, and everyone that knew him loved him. I’m so glad we have lots of wonderful memories to cherish. Fly high Mr. Jerry. Until we see you again. 

Go hug your loved ones and give them a call. They won’t be around forever. 

I hope you guys have a great week! See you back on Wednesday for a link up. 


Thank you to Amazon and Collective Voice for sponsoring this post! This post contains affiliate links.


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