**What’s up Wednesday** {8.28.2024}

It’s the last Wednesday of the month. I am linking up with Mix and Match Mama and Sheaffer and sharing what has been going on with us lately. It’s a little food, a little family, a little what we’re wearing, a little what we’re doing, a little what we’re watching and a little bit of everything else all in one post. 

1. What We Are Eating This Week:

Sunday: We ate with Mom & Dad. She cooked Pork Chops, Brussels Sprouts, Roasted Potatoes and Mac n’ cheese

Monday: Jambalaya 

Tuesday: Taco Tuesday

Wednesday: Cheesy Baked Ravioli

Thursday: I have Curriculum Night at school. They’re ordering pizzas for teachers.

Friday:  Leftover Jambalaya

Saturday: Kitchen’s closed!  

2. What I’m Reminiscing About: 

All these back to school memories are the greatest. 

This was back in 2018 when we had a fire drill on the first day of school, in the rain. Unplanned. 

Here’s my sweet nugget in 2020. She was heading to Pre-K. 

Here she is in 2021 playing soccer and some school pics. 

And here is 2022 going into Kinder. 

Here was last year in 2023.

3. What I’m Loving:

I am Loving my newest Capri Blue Spiced Cider Candle. It’s a big one, and it smells amazing. Just like Fall! 

4. What We’ve Been Up To:

We kicked off the new school year! Addison started second grade, and I started my 17th year!

We also went camping the first weekend this month, and it was a great way to start the school year with a relaxing trip. 

We celebrated Hayes’ birthday with a pool party! 

I went to the movies, to have girl’s night out. We saw “It Ends with Us”, and it was so good and so fun! 

Joey and Addison ran a 5k. Colin and Blaine ran with them. 

We went hiking through the woods. 

And, we enjoyed dinner with friends. 

5. What I’m Dreading:

I’m not really dreading anything right now. 😉  I’m just tired of being exhausted and overly stimulated all the time. I hope it slows down a little at school. 

6. What I’m Working On: 

Most days, I’m working on reading & analyzing student data, entering information into spreadsheets, making goals and interventions. Making teacher presentations… it never ends. 

Currently, I’m working on this blog post. 

7. What I’m Excited About: 

I am really excited about all the fun things we have planned next month and all the fun activities that come along with Fall. I’m hoping for cooler weather, but let’s be honest, it doesn’t start cooling off in Georgia until late October/ November. 

8. What I’m Watching/Reading:

I finished Look on the Bright Side the beginning of the month. It was cute and had a fun little story line. A steamy, arrogant doctor asks one of the residents to be his girlfriend, the main character, for family wedding activities. Of course there’s drama and lots of beautiful beach scenes. I would give it 3.5 stars. It was an easy chick-lit read. 

Look on the Bright Side

I am currently reading This Summer will be Different

I am really struggling with balancing my school and home life because all I want to do is read this book. I’m about 200 pages in, and it’s good! I can’t wait to read how it ends and figure out what’s the rift between two characters. 

This Summer will be Different

I finished the first part of the newest season of Emily in Paris! It’s as cute as ever, and I can’t wait for the rest of the episodes to come out in September. 

9. What I’m Listening To: 

I am supposed to be listening to a Webinar for our new Reading Screener. However, my brain is tired, so I’m trying to finish this blog post first. It’s a lot more fun! 😉 

10. What I’m Wearing: 

I just ordered these Hoka Transport shoes in Eggnog. I needed some new walking shoes. I went and got my feet assessed, and they said these would be really good for my high instep and high arches. I like that they’re more of a neutral, unlike most Hoka colors. 

Hoka Transport

Other than that, I’m wearing teacher attire and school spirit wear on the daily. 🙂

11. What I’m Doing This Weekend: 

This weekend is Labor Day! Joey has a morning kayak trip planned with his Dad and brother. Hopefully when they’re done, we can do something fun. The weather is iffy. It’s showing it might rain, but I’m hoping it holds off. 

12. What I’m Looking Forward to Next Month:

A week off, and a girl’s trip! 

13. Favorite Amazon Find:

I’m still loving this natural deodorant! 

Salt & Stone Deodorant 

I ordered this set of lunch notes, and Addison gets so excited to read them. So fun! 

14. What Else Is New:

Nothing… that’s it! 

Thank you all for reading. I hope you have an awesome day!! See you back here on Friday! 


Thank you to Amazon and Shopstyle for sponsoring this post! This post contains affiliate links.


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