**Hello Monday on a Wednesday** {9.4.2024}

Hey Friends! Since Monday was Labor day, I am stepping back, punting and sharing our weekend recap today. 🙂

Like the norm, I’m linking up with Holly and Sarah for Hello Monday and sharing a recap of our weekend.

Friday, my sweet girl got a Braggin’ on Braves for being Respectful to her Teachers and Valuing her learning. We are proud of her! 

Friday, after school, I had planned to get some errands completed. However, the weather wasn’t having it. It began pouring while we were sitting at the bank, so our plans changed, and we headed home. 

Saturday morning, I was up bright and early because why should my body think it needs to sleep. Joey and Addison slept in. I cooked breakfast. Then we headed out north to ramble around. 

We made a Bucee’s stop which is always an adventure. 

We left there and headed on up to Chattanooga, TN. We didn’t actually get out in the town. We just drove around. 

Then we drove up Lookout Mountain. We went by Ruby Falls and Rock City but didn’t actually stop. 

We kept driving, and drove by Covenant College which is beautiful! 

We kept driving across Lookout Mountain, and we had some beautiful views! 

We saw some people hang gliding. I would never do it, but I think it is really neat. 

We kept driving and ended up stopping into Georgia Winery. I grabbed one of my favorite things. 

On the way home, we stopped by Thatchers BBQ and got some dinner. 

Once we got home, we snuggled up on the patio for “The Parent Trap”. 

Sunday morning, Addison and I made a Target run. She talked me into a pink drink. 

Sunday afternoon, we all made a Costco run. I really have 2 children because Joey is a big kid all the time. 

Monday, Addison and Joey went hiking. While they were gone, I got some cleaning accomplished- mopping, bathrooms cleaned and lots of laundry. 

After they returned, we went to visit my Papa, who we hadn’t seen in a few months. We always love our visit. 

We did a cookout with my Mom & Dad then had an early bed time. I really did enjoy our long weekend and felt rested and rejuvenated. I think I need a 3-day weekend every week. I would get much more accomplished. Ha! 

I’ll see you back on Friday! 



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