**Friday Favorites** {12.13.2024}

Happy Happy Friday!! Oh it’s a crazy, fun time right now. 

Like the norm, I’m linking up with the blogs AlittlebitofEverything and Momfessionals and sharing my favorite things from the week.

Addison got a new library book. It was a replication of Milo! So cute! 

We had dance rehearsal practice this week. The girls aren’t used to practicing on a big stage, so it’s always a bit of a learning process before the actual performance. 

And we stopped by Chick on the way home. 

Papaw got Addison a donut for breakfast. She had the remnants to prove it was a favorite. 

My new phone came in, so one afternoon Addison and I were off to pick it up. Can you spot Addison on the couch? She was chilling with her Kindle while the transfer was happening. 

And we had to run to Hobby Lobby for some more Christmas treat bags and of course we found a lot of other things we had to have. 

Bree and I had a testing training yesterday. On the way back to school, we popped into Dollar Tree for some nice finds. My plan is to use the buckets to fill with Addison’s teachers favorite things. Think- soda, snacks, monogrammed notepads, Papermate pens, Coffee & CFA giftcards. 

This… I mean and next week we have dress up days. 

I’m really trying to wrap up my Christmas shopping. It’s starting to dwindle down. I do still have a lot of things coming in the mail. I’m watching all the tracking like a crazy person. 

If you missed my post on Wednesday, I shared some ways I unwind during the holidays. If you missed it, check it out here

We have a busy, busy fun-filled festive weekend. We aren’t going to have a lot of downtime, but that’s okay. What do you all have planned? I hope you enjoy time with your people!


Thank you to Amazon and Collective Voice for sponsoring this post! This post contains affiliate links.


  • Joyce

    The tubs are cute! I am on the homestretch with shopping too, and am definitely ready to be done. I at least got everything mailed this week which is huge. Have a great weekend!