**Let’s Look At…. Low Level Goals for 2025** {1.15.2025}

Happy Happy Wednesday friends!! Here we are at our first Let’s Look link up of 2025! 

Alright, so let’s get to it! On the second third Wednesday of every month, I link up with Shay from MixandMatchMama and Erika from ALittleBitofEverything. Today, we are talking about our goals for the year. Mine are definitely going to be low level. 😉 

I wear a lot of different hats at my school. If you’re not in education, we have a lot of acronyms floating around. My job title carries a lot of those acronyms. 

I am one of the EIP leads, the RTI chair/facilitator and the testing coordinator. Our elementary school houses right at 1,000 kiddos. It can be daunting and a lot of work, but I have a great EIP team to help. And, of course, I have my awesome sidekick Bree! She works the behavior side with me. 

Here’s a picture with the OG, Laurie, who I took over her position when she retired. Bree is the other gal in the pic. We work hard, but we also have fun… 

Well, I guess I need to get to the point. I often get overwhelmed and have stressful periods of time in the year, like right now. A lot of testing and timelines are happening this month. It’s also really hard for me to say “no”, and I am working on it. However, my biggest thing for 2025 is, I’m trying to let go and delegate when I can. Hopefully this will help with my stress level. 

So, one goal- delegate. 😉 

I am not really a crunchy Mama, but I do feel like a lot of the food that we are now consuming is not good for us. It’s full of dyes and things our bodies are not supposed to digest, and this is affecting our health mentally and physically. 

So, my goal for 2025 is to continue to research and try to buy more natural products. I do read the ingredient labels on things. Snacks are really the hard part for Addison, and I try to buy a lot of things from Thrive Market, and I definitely look at the ingredients on these products. 

I’m going to also try to make more bread versus buying. We don’t eat a lot of bread, so it’s not real important to us, but every now and then some bread is nice. I’m hoping to get better at this art because my first round wasn’t the best. Haha! 

I also made chocolate chip cookies, and that definitely needs some practice too. 

HahI know I’ve talked some on here about budgeting We still try to follow the envelope system and saving plan by Dave Ramsey. However, we do sometimes stray a little. This year I plan to continue with this but try to save more specifically for some more travel and home updates. I want to emphasize on travel because time is flying by, and we don’t get this time back with Addison. Memories are very important.

We decided to make a Travel To-Do List for 2025. Now, some places will definitely not happen, but some hopefully will! .

Addison was very imaginative and hopeful with this list. lol

I am excited to read your posts!! I probably need some inspiration.

And here are the Let’s Look prompts for the year!  

Next month’s topic will be: How You Work on your Marriage. That’s a good one. 

I’ll see you back on Friday! 


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