Friday Favorites

This post discusses our favorite things from the past week.

  • **Friday Favorites** {3.28.2025}

    Woohoo!! We made it to Friday and Spring Break! We are all so excited and ready!  Like the norm, I’m linking up with the blogs AlittlebitofEverything and Momfessionals and sharing my favorite things from the week. Addison and Isla enjoyed some paper cat making after school, one afternoon.  Afternoon pampering time was a favorite this week.  I was cracking up because I usually bathe Milo. I asked Joey to give him a bath, and he was shaking water all over him. I was laughing so hard.  I had a lot of appointments this week, and I realized on Wednesday afternoon that I had written down the wrong time. I thought my appointment was at…

  • **Friday Favorites** {3.21.2025}

    TGIF Friends!! So happy the weekend is here! I feel like March has been a long month, but it has gone by fast too.  Like the norm, I’m linking up with the blogs AlittlebitofEverything and Momfessionals and sharing my favorite things from the week. Monday, we were both sporting our green. We didn’t want to get pinched.  I had my green on with my new Wendy Jeans from Shop  Avara. They are good! I love the style and the subtle fraying at the bottom.  I mean every week is a dress up week it seems. This week we had Agriculture week.  Tuesday, we dressed like farm animals. I was a barn cat with wolf…

  • **Friday Favorites** {3.14.2025}

    Happy Happy Friday!! So glad you’re here!  Like the norm, I’m linking up with the blogs AlittlebitofEverything and Momfessionals and sharing my favorite things from the week. I just got Addison this Joyfolie skirt last weekend, and she was overly excited to wear it.  She was invited to our school’s art show due to her art being on display. Adalynn’s was also there!  Our little artists are a favorite.  The Fish was her piece.  We were excited about about our guests coming to support the girls.  All of our kiddos had artists in the show. So proud of our talented kiddos.  So proud of our girl. She did not get her artistic abilities from…

  • **Friday Favorites** {3.7.2025}

    Happy Happy Friday!!! We had a fun filled week, but we are happy to see the weekend is on the horizon.  Like the norm, I’m linking up with the blogs AlittlebitofEverything and Momfessionals and sharing my favorite things from the week. This week was Read Across America week, so we had lots of dress up days.  Whitley was cracking us up on Paparazzi day. We told her she looked more like safari day.    Addison enjoyed silly socks, Neon day and sports team day.  Tuesday, I had an appointment and enjoyed a bit of shopping after. Favorite of course!  I also felt like I deserved a sweet treat. Always a favorite.  Addison snapped a…

  • **Friday Favorites** {2.28.2025}

    Woohoo!! Happy Friday!! Like the norm, I’m linking up with the blogs AlittlebitofEverything and Momfessionals and sharing my favorite things from the week. Monday was chiro day, and this was definitely a favorite. I moved to a closer practice, and they were wonderful. I felt like a new person after leaving.  Water color time was a favorite.  The second grade had a career day set for Tuesday. Addison asked for her Dad to come in and be a speaker. He was nervous, but he did great! She was extra giddy to see him.  Tuesday night, we went to celebrate and support our High School girls compete in the Elite 8. And, they won! It…

  • **Friday Favorites** {2.14.2025}

    Woo Hoo!! It’s Finally Friday!!! And Happy Valentine’s Day! It’s an extra exciting day because next week is our February break, so we are off!  Like the norm, I’m linking up with the blogs AlittlebitofEverything and Momfessionals and sharing my favorite things from the week. Monday, I had a doctor’s appointment. It was a not-so exciting visit, but I enjoyed the day after.  I went shopping to some stores. I stopped in Old Navy & JCrew Factory which are both having great sales this weekend!  I grabbed myself some lunch then headed to Trader Joes!! My fave!  I stopped by the house to drop off everything and headed on to pick up Addison. Milo tagged along.…

  • **Friday Favorites** {2.7.2025}

    TGIF!!! WooHoo! We are so happy it’s Fri-yay!  Like the norm, I’m linking up with the blogs AlittlebitofEverything and Momfessionals and sharing my favorite things from the week. Monday, Addison and I made a Home Goods run. We were looking for some Valentine’s Day decorations. These pillows were cute!  Tuesday I had to lead teacher training all day, and my sidekick Bree was with me. She always makes everything fun.  We try to make it a little more positive with candy, and obviously, I had eaten too many airheads. Haha!  Wednesday, Milo had his annual check up. They said he was perfect and right on track. I said, “Can you help us with the…

  • **Friday Favorites** {1.31.2025}

    Whew! It was a tough 5 days of work this week. Haha! My husband is laughing and rolling his eyes at this. I can see it now.  Like the norm, I’m linking up with the blogs AlittlebitofEverything and Momfessionals and sharing my favorite things from the week. We did have a busy week. I am not even really sure what happened.  One day after school, I went to our local BBQ place and picked up some collard greens. Easy is always a favorite. Addison begged for a whoopie pie.  Addison brought home some artwork to buy. These are always some of my favorite things to cherish over the years.  Addison is all about some…

  • **Friday Favorites** {1.24.2025}

    What a crazy whirlwind of a week. We started with only having a 4-day week, and it was reduced to a 3-day week due to unpredictable weather. And wow! It has been frigid cold this week even in Georgia!  Like the norm, I’m linking up with the blogs AlittlebitofEverything and Momfessionals and sharing my favorite things from the week. Way way back to last Friday, I had been having a rough week. Lots of stress. Extra stress put on by unpredicted sources. My fun work buddy, Bree, brought me some treats! It definitely cheered me up and was a favorite!  Saturday, we had to make a Target run. Addison and I were trying to…

  • **Friday Favorites** {1.17.2025}

    Happy Friday Friends!! This was a tough 5 days… it’s hard to get back in the groove. However, school was super busy, and I felt like the week flew by!  Like the norm, I’m linking up with the blogs AlittlebitofEverything and Momfessionals and sharing my favorite things from the week. I made a High Protein Ravioli casserole on Monday, and he turned out good! I incorporated some cottage cheese with the ricotta cheese which gave it more protein, and it didn’t disappoint!  Tuesday, while Addison was at dance, I had to do some party shopping. I’m really sad that Party City is going out of business. I honestly enjoy going here and physically seeing…