Let’s Look at…. Your Bedside Table {1.8.2020}

Hey guys!! Happy Wednesday!! So, I had planned to share my second part of Christmas break but forgot I wanted to link up with Shay and Erika for a Let’s Look At… linkup. On the second Wednesday of the month, we share different things about our life and home… I always love reading about things like these on others blogs, so I thought I definitely wanted to be included in the link up. 😉 

Here are the topics for the year. #sofun

So, here’s my bedside table… sorry it’s so boring. Thankfully, it’s semi clean. I have had a cold hence the cough drops and kleenex. 

I have some extra pillows stacked up in case I need to prop myself up. My kindle. I got my cover on Amazon. It’s here. My Kindle charger, my phone, Apple Watch and charger. My watch band is here. Addison’s monitor, some earbuds, Kleenex, cough drops, and lamp. 

Right now on my Kindle I’m reading “The Mother-in-Law” by Sally Hepworth whom I love. It’s a thriller/murder mystery. I’m just getting into it but so far I like it. 

I just finished “The Tattooist of Auschwitz: A Novel” It was Phenomenal!! I read it in like three days over break. It’s based on a true story. I love reading historical books like this, especially about the Holocaust. I have actually been to Auschwitz in Germany, so that made me want to read this even more. I would highly recommend this book! 

That’s it for my bedside table right now… sometimes I have more books, post-it notes, and random toys that Addison has placed up there. Luckily for you guys, I just came off break, so it’s semi straightened up. 

I promised you guys I would share what I’m cooking this week…. so here’s what’s on the menu for this week. 

Sunday: Out to Eat- O’Charleys

Monday: Baked Queso Tacos with refried beans

Tuesday:  Rigatoni with Chicken Thighs

Wednesday: Leftover Tacos

Thursday: Leftover Rigatoni 

Friday: Kitchen’s Closed- Eating Out

I hope you all have a wonderful day, and I’ll see you back here on Friday for some favorites from this week! I hope you enjoyed this little link up. 😉 

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Lastly, I just want to say I’m thankful for all of our troops, past, present, and future. They are all in my prayers. God Bless America. 
