**Let’s Look at….. My Pet Peeves** {4.12.2023}
Happy Happy Wednesday friends! How are you doing on this hump day?
On the second Wednesday of every month, I join a little link up party. I’m linking up with Shay from MixandMatchMama and Erika from ALittleBitofEverything and talking about my pet peeves.

Okay, this topic if going to be a fun one. You guys are probably going to realize that a lot of things drive me crazy. Haha!
In no particular order, here we go.
It bothers me when people chew loudly. If I can hear you chewing, it’s going to annoy me. I do realize everyone does have to chew their food, but I do not want it to sound like a loud cow chewing cud.

Driving slow in the fast lane. This is a pet peeve… If you are going below the speed limit, or going too slow to pass traffic, move over into the right lane.
Going along with this, if a lane is running out, and we are all waiting in line patiently, do not run all the way up to try to squeeze in. We are all going to the same place, we all want to go somewhere, so by you running up to get in front of everyone waiting, it’s not helping the situation.

It bothers me when people are late. I’m a very Type A person, and I thrive on a schedule. My schedule is typically very full and methodically planned out. If someone is running late, it messes it all up and just dominoes. So, being late just irritates me. Set your alarms, put it on calendars, do whatever you need to do. It’s rude to be late.

-I have to vacuum everyday because I can’t stand for dirt or crumbs to be on the floor and then I walk on them barefoot. I can’t stand for hair to be on the floor either, and most of it is my hair. I shed like crazy. It’s shocking that I still have hair on my head. But, even though it’s my hair, I want it to be off the floor ASAP.
– Another pet peeve is when adults use words incorrectly, especially grammatically. Biggest pet peeve- there, their, they’re, accept, except, etc…
– It annoys me when I go to get something out of the fridge, pantry, or anywhere and there’s a drop left or it might even be empty. First off, throw it away. Nobody wants an empty container just hanging out. Secondly, write it on the grocery list if it’s a staple item, so I’ll know to grab more. That is all.
I’m sure there are many others, but that’s all that came to mind right now. When I read yours, I am sure I will be like ‘Yes, that’s me too’! 😉
If you missed it, here are the topics so far, for the year. Next month’s topic… Our Morning Routine.
And here are all my Let’s Look posts from this year.
January: How I Schedule/Organize a Busy Family
February: What’s in my Medicine Cabinet

I will see you back here on Friday for our favorites from the week!

Thank you to Amazon and Collective Voice for sponsoring this post! This post contains affiliate links.
Sarah M.
Yes! Lateness and grammar.
Yes!! So annoying! 🙂
Holly Breton @ Pink Lady
Girl we are so alike- being late is a HUGE one for me and yup grammar too- sigh- too funny!
Haha! Yes!! I love that! 🙂