**Friday Favorites** {6.16.2023}

Happy Friday!!! We have had a very busy week around here, but a good week! 

Today, I’m linking up with the blogs AlittlebitofEverything and Momfessionals and sharing my favorite things from the week.

We have had a very busy week with revival at our church. Me & Addison were twinning one night. 🙂

We had CFA one morning for breakfast. 

On Tuesday, everyone came over to our house after the morning service to eat. I had catered in a Taco bar. 

I made a pound cake and ordered a Cookies ‘n Cream cake for dessert. We also made homemade ice cream. 

Everyday, after the  morning service, we have all been going to eat together. I probably have gained 10 pounds this week. 

Addison has loved playing and seeing her friends. 

Picking up Joey’s granny. 

More sweet friend time. 

Yesterday, we went to Joey’s granny’s house and picked blueberries. She has three bushes, and they are just starting to ripen. We all love them. 

I had an appointment at the spa yesterday afternoon. It was wonderful. 

That’s all for our week. And, now we are headed off on our family vacation next week. So, I’m taking the week off. I hope you all have a fabulous weekend. I want to also say Happy Father’s Day to all the Dads out there. I am especially grateful for my Daddy, Joey, Michael (Joey’s Dad), and my Papa. I love you all! 

I’ll see you back here in a few weeks. 🙂


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