**Friday Favorites** {7.31.2020}

Happy Friday!!!!  Wow! What a week! I can’t believe school is about to start on Monday. Today, like usual, I’m linking up with the blogs AlittlebitofEverything and Momfessionals and sharing some of my favorite things from the week!! 🙂 

I went to pick up Addison one day this week and her hair was in adorable braided pig tails. Thanks to her sweet Aunt Emma. Braids + Pig tails are a favorite around here

I ordered Addison some books from Amazon to read the night before school starts. They are going to be the cutest! 

The Night Before Preschool / Pete the Kitty’s First day of Preschool 

The Best Part of Me, by Wendy Ewald is a wonderful book of poetry-like, personal narratives about what students think is the very best part of themselves.

Cultivating a postive classroom community is such an important part of teaching, especially in the beginning. One of the ways to help build our students up is to help them see themselves (and their classmates) in a positive light. This book does a great job in doing that. I always choose maybe 4-5 examples from the book and share the pictures and poems aloud. 

Then, we brainstorm some ideas they might write about. Then they turn and talk with a partner about their choice. I always share my personal poem with them. 

I give some students sentence starters if they need them. 

After the students have drafted and written/typed their final draft, I will take their “best part” picture to add to their poem, just like in the book. They always love having their pictures taken. 😉 

My work bestie and I showed up one day this week twinning. We didn’t plan it all. She walks in our room, I looked over, saw her and busted out laughing. We really are this synced. 😉 She is definitely a favorite and today is her birthday!! Happy Birthday, Sharon!! 

This is one of my favorite shirts from Amazon. So soft and the fit is spot on! 

Another favorite is this probiotic, for Addison, that my bestie Caroline told me about. I’m always looking for something to help with immunity and digestion. 

Addison has loved staying with her Aunt Ci-Ci this week while I’ve been at pre-planning. We are so thankful for her, and she’s definitely a favorite!! She has loved playing with her cousin Adalynn this week. 

Addison hasn’t been taking an afternoon nap, so she’s been rather moody in the evenings. Hopefully next week when she starts school, she will get back into the nap routine. 


I ordered Addison some new natives. Hers are almost too small. They are my Absolute Favorite shoes for her to wear. They are so easy to clean and just slip off and on. 

If you missed my What’s Up Wednesday, you can check it out here.

That’s it for today. What do you guys have planned for the weekend? We will be getting school ready! 😉 
