**Weekend Recap** {6.29.2020}

Happy Monday!! It’s crazy how fast June has flown by. I can’t believe this is the last Monday of the month. 

We had a great weekend! Lots of family fun!

Friday morning, Addison and I went to Joey’s granny’s house to pick some blueberries. We were going to make some Blueberry jam. Addison ate them about as fast as we could pick them. Ha! It pretty much took most of the day, Friday, to make it. 

That night, we went by my Aunt/Uncles house to look at their patio/covered shed. We are looking into having one built and just wanted to get some more ideas. Then, we went and grabbed a quick bite to eat and were back home by 6:30. 


The next morning, Joey had to take the truck up to have the tires checked. One of them was leaking. Addison and I picked him up and ran to get some breakfast. Addison was really excited about her Mickey pancake! 

When we got home, we did some work in the yard and cleaned some in the house. I packed a little bit for a short upcoming trip. 

We had Joey’s dads birthday that night. So, I stirred up the homemade ice cream and pattied out 16 hamburger patties. Just when we were about to leave, a big storm arrived. The wind was blowing so hard, sideways rain, and the power was flickering off/on. I have never been so thankful for a garage to load up everything. 

This ball pit was a huge hit! They had planned to put it at the bottom of the slide, but with the storm/rain, they improvised with bringing it in the house. The girls didn’t mind. 

The girls “played” corn hole……

We sang Happy Birthday to his dad….

Played with bubbles…..

On the way home, the sunset was beautiful. The weatherman predicted us to have beautiful sunsets due to the Sarahan dust this weekend. It was hard for me to get a picture. The sun had already gone behind the trees. 

Sunday morning as I sat on the front porch, the sky was beautiful again. 

The weather was perfect with low humidity. I enjoyed some reading. I just started this book and am very excited about it! (Affiliate Link) 

We got in the pool for a little bit that afternoon. Addison kept begging and begging, so we finally gave in. 

We have had a horrible Japanese beetle problem this year! These bug bags have seriously been a life-saver. The beetles been all over our plants and in our pool. Right after buying these and putting them out, they were almost all gone! Amazing! (Affiliate Link)

Bug Bags

We ate supper with Mom & Dad last night. Addison really wanted to spend the night, so I gave in. She will be back in school soon enough. 🙂 

I will see you back here on Wednesday for a little link-up. 
