**North Pole Breakfast** {12.7.2022}

Last week, on December 1st,  Elfie arrived!!!  This is one of our favorite nights of the year. Typically, on this night, we also have breakfast foods, and it’s just so fun and a great way to kick off the Christmas season! 

Addison was so excited about  her letter from Elfie. 

He brought her a few gifts. 

I put out some little twinkle lights and smaller ornaments. I also added in some Nutcrackers. I found the wrapping paper at Target, and it went well with my pink/silver and Nutcracker theme. I also just added in some bottle brush little trees.

In the corner, I always add on  our past Santa Christmas cards and pictures. My great Aunt made me some snowflake crochet ornaments. They are very special to me. 

I found the Gingerbread House kit at Michaels, but of course, they have these everywhere. This one is similar. I also grabbed one of my favorite Paint By Sticker Books Christmas Edition. I also added this sweet Magic Painting book. They are the best! 

I made some pancakes with Read and Green sprinkles. We had my sausage muffins with some bacon and eggs. Then, we always have to have some mini powdered and chocolate covered donuts. 

It’s always pretty easy peasy, and it’s so festive and exciting for us all! 

Thank you so much for popping by! See you back here on Friday! 


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