**Friday Favorites** {2.10.2023}

Per the usual, I’m linking up with the blogs AlittlebitofEverything and Momfessionals and sharing my favorite things from the week.

So, I ordered this sweater from my favorite little boutique, Jules & James. It came in, is so cute, and I wore it this week. I can’t find it on the App anymore, but maybe it will pop back up. There are so many other cute things on the site, you definitely need to check them out. And then I’m wearing the sweater with my favorite YMI, hyperstretch pants. 

Jules & James Boutique

On the way to drop off our taxes and run some errands, on Tuesday, we had to go by Starbuck’s to get some gift cards for Addison’s teachers. And, of course, she sweet talked me into a pop. 

So, my good friend Cathy sprayed WD-40 on her squeaky door. Come to find out, it wasn’t WD-40, it was PB Blaster. And, it was strong! Admin came down trying to figure out the odor, and it was a mildly urgent situation. They figured out the culprit and gave a small reprimand. It was funny after the fact. We love you, Cathy! 

My little sunshine was happy to wear her heart shirt to school. 

I took these two cuties to dance this week. They love each other so much. 

Our basketball season is coming to an end. I got the girls on Addison’s team, pictures and magnets of the group. 

I grabbed these goodies at the store this week. They are all yummy, and I would definitely recommend. 

I watched Wedding Season on Netflix this week. It was very cute, and if you’re looking for cute and feel good, then it’s a good one! 

I spotted my favorite new socks, Flat Socks, on Jane.com. These are great because you just slide them into shoes, and then you don’t have to worry about wearing socks. Do you have any of these? 

Flat Socks

I saw this touch up paint pen on someone’s IG story, and I thought, I need that! We always have little marks and nicks on our walls, and I hate to get a large brush messy. So, enter this touch up pen. It has great reviews! 

And, my favorite Big Book Coloring Book came in for Valentine’s day. This is going to be a V day gift for Addison. 

Really excited about these Mickey Ears and Clips I ordered for our upcoming trip. I plan to give for a little Valentine’s gift. I ordered them in the rainbow and the rose gold. 

And these memes spoke to me. Ha! 😉

That’s all, friends. Thanks for stopping by. Have a great weekend! 


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