**Weekend Recap** {8.10.2020}

Happy Monday everyone!! Why do the weekends always fly by so quickly? 

We are back for week 2 of school. I’m loving seeing all the sweet, happy children. They are so happy to see their teachers and friends. 


Friday night, I dropped Addison off at the house with Joey and ran to the grocery store. They jumped in the pool for a little bit. We ended up just grilling some chicken and veggies. I had an adult beverage, and we were all in the bed before 9:00. It was a raving Friday night around here! Haha! 

Saturday morning, we got up around 6:30. I started cleaning, doing laundry, etc… 

Chef Joey cooked us breakfast. The guys got to our house around 8 to work on the barn. Mom came over around 9:30, and I ran to get a pedicure and make a Target run. I grabbed some lunch on the way home. 

The building is now done!! I know they are all so happy to be finished! It looks great!  

Saturday night, I wanted some BBQ. We drove to our favorite, little place, that’s about an hour away. On our drive home, this beauty was in the sky. After the stressful first week of school, this was a  reminder of God’s beauty. 

“Every storm in your life is followed by a rainbow” 

Sunday, we slept in until almost 7:30. Yes!!!!! We needed it! We went to visit Joey’s Mom for a bit. Joey had a meeting at the church yesterday afternoon. I worked on some school work, this blog post and did some outside reading while Addison napped. #recharge



That’s it for our weekend. Come back and check out my post on Wednesday. It’s a little link up. I will be chatting about my desk. 🙂
