**Weekend Recap** {10.19.2020}

Well, hello there, Monday. I can’t believe you’re here already. This weekend flew by. We had a few hiccups, but the Lord is merciful and gracious. 

Friday after school, I went with some teacher friends to a home decor warehouse sale. 

Hello, pumpkin.

There was a huge cotton field on our way out…… We went and enjoyed lots of laughs and a delicious dinner. I didn’t get home until almost 9:15. Who am I? Ha! 

While I was out with some friends, Addison was partying it up with Adalynn and Grandma. She spent the night with her Friday night. We got this sweet picture. They sure do love and miss each other. 

Friday night, a little after 10, we got a phone call that Joey’s dad had been admitted to the hospital for some medical alerts. We all rushed down there, and of course with Covid, we couldn’t go in, but we prayed and huddled together in the parking lot. Luckily that night, all the tests came back clear. They did want to run some more tests on Saturday, just to make sure everything was alright. 


I ran to pick up Addison a little after breakfast. Her Aunt Emma had braided her hair. I wish I could do awesome braids like these. Emma, come live with us to fix our hair everyday. 😉 

I did some cleaning, laundry, cleaning out closets and Addison napped in the afternoon. After she woke up, we went back to the hospital parking lot. They were still running tests on Joey’s dad. Praise the Lord, everything came back okay. He’s just going to follow up with a few doctors just to make sure. We love our Grandpa Chick Chick. 

We met Joey’s Mom for dinner Saturday night to celebrate a bunch of our birthdays…. These two were the cutest. 

After dinner, we drove through a neighborhood that has some awesome Halloween decorations. Here was one of our faves. 

Sunday morning, we were up and getting ready for church. Monster teeth and all….

We got home from church, ate a snack, and changed clothes really quick. We headed to the pumpkin patch. It was very crowded. We tried to keep our distance. I’ll share more on Wednesday. She was one happy girl and so was her Mama. 

Here’s the finished product at home…

We have a very busy week coming up. Addison has 2 dress up days at school, an on-campus field trip, we have family pictures scheduled, plus all the other normal things… let’s get this show going. See you back on Wednesday! Have a great start to your week, friends! 
