• **Halloween Memories** {11.4.2020}

    It’s Wednesday!! Today, being the day after the election, I thought I’d throw some cuteness and a little bit of happy your way. I’m sharing Addison’s costumes over the years, and I may pop up in a few of the throwbacks too. 🙂 We will start back in 2017, when she was one and dressed up as Cinderella. So sweet… she struggled keeping her slippers on too! 😉 In 2018, she was Tinkerbell. She lit up the evening with her magical wings.  In 2019, Toy Story 4 was very popular. It had just come out. Joey really wanted Addison to be Jessie, the cowgirl. She didn’t want it, so she…

  • **Weekend Recap** Halloween 2020 Edition

    Happy Monday!! Did you guys have a good Halloween weekend? We did! And ours was an extra two days longer because of the storm. I’m just so glad the power came back on, and nothing was really damaged.  Friday morning, we still didn’t have power. Joey was able to make it to work Friday. Addison and I ran to Target and grabbed some donuts at a local bakery. So delicious!  When we got back home, the power was back on! Yay!! Addison and I went over to visit my Papa with my Mom. While there, Addison face planted on the sidewalk. Her poor little nose bled for a little bit,…