**Spring Must Do List** {3.9.2022}

Today, I’m sharing some fun things we want to do this Spring! Spring is definitely one of my favorite seasons, minus the pollen. It’s like the bridge to Summer which is definitely a favorite!

I polled Addison with what she wanted to do this Spring. She gave me a list of things. So, today I’m sharing in hopes that you all may get some inspiration. 

Play Soccer– Well, that’s good because we signed her up and are starting this weekend. It’s supposed to be a very chilly 30 degrees for the high, 21 for the low on Saturday and possibly snow. Good grief! So, not looking forward to that. However, we are excited to see how much she’s grown, and she’s very excited to get back on the field. 

Go Camping & Make Smores– We also have a few camping trips on the books in a couple weeks. She loves going camping and spending all the time outside. So, we are really excited about going. 

Go Hiking– She has requested for us to all go hiking. Probably in the mountains. She always talks about going to the place where there are lots of steps. So, hopefully that can happen sometime this Spring. 

Go Fishing– Maybe we can combine this with Camping or Hiking and Knock 2 out as 1. 🙂

Have a Picnic– We like to go ride around and find fun places to eat lunch or dinner. She has requested to do more of this. We actually grabbed pizza Friday night, and had a picnic at the park. So fun! The weather was gorgeous!

Plant Flowers– This is a good one for us to do. We put out new mulch last week, and so now, we need to update the flower beds with some new flowers. 

Kids Gardening Kit

That’s all for our Spring Bucket List items. Hopefully, we can start penciling things in on the calendar and checking them off. I hope you guys have a wonderful Wednesday! 


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