**Friday Favorites** {7.29.2022}

Happy Happy Friday!! I’m officially finished with our week of pre-planning and about to start my 15th year of teaching! So crazy how fast it flies by! How was your week? 

Today, I’m linking up with the blogs AlittlebitofEverything and Momfessionals and sharing our favorites from the week.

I moved to a closet this year for my new position. Our school building is just running out of room. So, since I’m not working directly with students as much, with my new job, they stuck me and 2 of my other teammates in the closet. We are all cozy. 

On Monday, Addison stayed with my Aunt Dot while I went back to work. They went to see the new Minion’s movie and then went to Steak & Shake after. She was living the life. They loved the movie and had the best day! 

We have been spoiled this week with breakfast and lunch. It has all been so thoughtful and kind. 

This was provided by one of our parents who is a realtor. Her team provided breakfast and these adorable bags that we could fill with everyday essentials. So delicious and thoughtful! We are so grateful!

Joey’s Dad kept the girls some this week. They had a blast! They went to breakfast, played at the park, and even played in the creek. They love making memories. 

I’m planning to share some back to school essentials that we have snagged in preparation. 

I ordered Addison a new backpack to match her lunchbox. If you’re not familiar with Pottery Barn Kid’s products, they hold up so well, they are washable, and you can use them for multiple years. There are so many different designs and even different size options. 

Here is her lunchbox and backpack. You can shop all styles here

I always love reading the Night Before series books before school starts. I ordered Addison The Night Before Kindergarten in preparation. 

I shared this on Wednesday, but I thought I’d share again today. 

I ordered this wireless keyboard and mouse combo for the new year. I love the purple/rainbow color, but it comes in other color options also. The keyboard has raised keys and allows them to type quietly. 

Wireless Keyboard Mouse Combo

And for the Ultra Organized OCD person, like myself. I grabbed the Erin Condren Life Planner and Coiled Notebook.

I ordered these cute Converse sneakers for Addison. I loved the color and the little floral detail on the back. 

She needed a new water cup for school, so I grabbed this one from Amazon. Addison picked it out. I do think the Minnie Rainbows are cute, but they do have lots of different Disney designs. 

I get lots of Addison’s clothes from Matilda Jane or other different boutiques. Since it’s still 100 degrees until around October/November, she can still continue to wear her Summer clothes for a while. 

Not really school related, but how cute is this short set from Walmart. And only $8 each right now! What a steal of a deal! There are lots of color options. 

Top / Shorts

If you missed the memo, Colleen Rothschild is having their Christmas in July sale right now! Right now is the time to stock up! I always grab extra products when they have a sale! If you have never tried the products, the Radiant Cleansing Balm is the bomb for taking off makeup. It literally just melts off.  I use the Extreme Recovery Cream at night. I use the Sheer Renewal Cream as my moisturizer for the day. These are my essentials, but I also have the Glycolic Pads that I use once or twice a week. When I’m really dry in the winter, especially, I use the Face Oil No. 9


One last thing, please subscribe to follow me by e-mail. It’s on my right sidebar. It takes under 5 seconds to sign up, and you will get all of my blog posts sent directly to your e-mail inbox! 🙂 

If you missed my link up on Wednesday where I chatted what all we had been up to, check it out here

That’s it for today…. I’m super exhausted already, so hopefully I will rest some this weekend and be ready for day 1 on Monday! Have a great weekend, friends! 


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