**Hello Monday** {3.13.2023}

Well, a weekend has come and gone again. We are flying through March, extra busy right now. 

Today, I’m linking up with Holly and Sarah for Hello Monday and sharing a recap of our weekend.

Friday, I was off work and able to go with Addison to the Tellus Museum on a field trip. It was a cool, wet morning but thankfully the rain had stopped by the time we arrived. We drove and got there around 9:45. 

We went right in to the theater and had a little presentation on living/non-living and parts of an insect. 

We left there and traveled to the classrooms where they talked more about the parts of an insect and arachnid. They even got to make little spiders. 

After that rotation, we moved to the great tree where they learned more about honey bees and how important they are to the world. We had some great actors! LOL

Smiling with my best girl. The class then were able to explore the hands-on area. 

We wrapped up the day together, by taking a class picture by the Brontosaurus. 

Mom met us for lunch at Mellow Mushroom, Addison’s choice. 

We walked and shopped around, in the downtown area then stopped by Agan’s bakery to pick up some cookies for the guys and us. 😉

Friday night, we ate some Brunswick Stew at the house and had to run to Walmart to get a new ball needle and some cat food. We stopped by our little ice cream parlor while we were out and about. 

Friday night, Addison made a fort, in our bedroom. The Nugget Comfort is one of our favorite purchases. This one on Amazon is very similar. 

Saturday morning, we were up early cleaning and organizing. Joey worked on moving some wood and dirt outside. Then, we got ready for Addison’s first soccer game! 

Oh my goodness, we were so proud of her! She has improved so much!! She was more aggressive and not timid at all. Go #19! It’s so fun watching her! 

Saturday night, Penny asked to keep Addison and Adalynn. We agreed and Joey and I headed out to the Salty Mule to grab dinner. 

After dinner, we headed to Home Depot to look at some lumber. I don’t know if I’ve mentioned on here, but we are starting to get things lined up to build an outside patio/living space this Spring. 

We got home, Joey built a fire, and I snuggled in to read and relax. He had to go back to his Mom’s house because her washer was leaking and water was spraying everywhere. But, he got it fixed for her and everything was well. 

Sunday morning, this was what I woke up thinking. Haha! 

Addison has a Leprechaun Trap project due on Friday, so we set out to get it done. We don’t want it looming over our heads this week. She loved working on it, and I think it turned out great! 

For some reason, I don’t think my Friday post published. I didn’t notice because we were so busy. So, if you missed it, here it is. It should be live now. Friday Favorites

That’s it for today. I will be back on Wednesday for a Let’s Look link-up. We are chatting favorite Amazon finds! I’m super excited for this one! 


Thank you to Amazon and Shopstyle for sponsoring this post! This post contains affiliate links.