**Friday Favorites** {8.25.2023}

Woop Woop!! It’s Friday!! We are so excited around here! 

Like the norm, I’m linking up with the blogs AlittlebitofEverything and Momfessionals and sharing my favorite things from the week.

We are finishing up our 4th week of school, and I am sooooo exhausted! I’m trying to get back in the routine, but I’m just going to say- it’s hard! 

On Tuesday, we brought Sutton home with us and stopped by Moms. She had picked up Isabel. It was like a three ring circus around there. The girls were loving it! 

We headed home, and the girls had a few minutes to play before having to get ready for dance class. Ya’ll just excuse the mess of the playroom. Ha! 

These two beauties are ready for dance. Friend time is a favorite! 

Wednesday,  I had a hair appointment. Thank goodness! I grabbed a “good mood” iced coffee for my appointment. It was just what I needed and definitely a favorite. Anything with caramel, sign me up! 

Meanwhile, Mom had Addison and took her to swim at Aunt Dots. Her and Isabel were having the time of their lives. I was a little bit jealous but not too jealous because I was getting my hair done. 😉

Thursday morning, I snapped a picture of this cutie. She was ready to tackle the day. 

I loved the pictures her teacher posted of things they’re learning this week. 

My friend posted this on Facebook, and I died laughing. #truth #sobusy

Ha… this is another funny… However, it really doesn’t apply to bananas in our house. Now lettuce, yes, that would be true for. 

Last night, we had Curriculum night until 6:30. So I didn’t get home until about 7. It made for a long day! My plan is to do a lot of napping and resting this weekend. We will see. I hope ya’ll have a great weekend! 


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