**Friday Favorites** {2.16.2024}

Happy Happy Friday!! Today is a happy day because as of 3:00 today, we will be on Winter break! 

Like the norm, I’m linking up with the blogs AlittlebitofEverything and Momfessionals and sharing my favorite things from the week.

Our week didn’t start so strong. Addison went to bed Sunday night not feeling so well. Monday morning, she wasn’t running a fever, but she was still not feeling like her normal self. 

It was hat day, so we tried to make the most of celebrating. 

However, I got a call, from the nurse around 11 that she wasn’t feeling well and starting to run a fever. So, home we went. She mostly just laid around and slept. 

I gave her some meds, and she had an early bed time to get some rest. 

I ended up staying home with her on Tuesday. She woke up Tuesday morning, still with a stomach ache, but fever free. She just took it easy. 

We ended up making some Valentine cupcakes. 

She thought she would try to eat some CFA. She ate a few bites. 

Anytime we can’t find Milo, he’s usually in Addison’s room all snuggled up in her blankets. Ha! 

Tuesday afternoon, she was still feeling well and fever free. We ended up going to get our Valentine nails. 

And… we went on to dance Tuesday night. Mom & Dad sent her a Valentine’s day card in the mail, so she was excited to receive mail. 

Wednesday, she woke up pretty much back to normal, and we headed to school ready to celebrate all the heart things. 

Her and Adalynn were all decked out in their hearts. 

Adalynn brought her a sweet Valentine. 

I was able to go down and help with her class Valentine’s party. It was so fun, and the kiddos loved it. They are so sweet to each other. Helping out in Addison’s class is always a favorite! 

Our PTA provided us a delicious, sweet treat bar. It was awesome! 

Yesterday, I had 5 parent meetings. I had to do morning duty and afternoon car duty. Then, I had leadership meeting after school. It was a busy day. 

Last night, Addison had a tournament basketball game. 

We were so proud of Addison and all the girls! They all played aggressive and played hard. We won! So, we are on to the next game which is after break. 

If you missed my poste on Wednesday, I shared little things I do every day. Read about it here

That’s it for our week! I can’t wait to read all about yours! Have the best weekend, friends! 


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