**Friday Favorites** {3.8.2024}
Yay!! So thankful it’s Friday!! We have had a wild and wacky week with lots of dress up days at school. We are ready for some down time this weekend. Like the norm, I’m linking up with the blogs AlittlebitofEverything and Momfessionals and sharing my favorite things from the week. My friend Bree, at work, has been telling me about these Burn Supplements that she started taking. She said she has noticed a difference in her energy level and on the scale. So, I heard dropping weight and I was sold. Haha! You take 4 supplements a day- 2 at breakfast and 2 at lunch. The container is a 30 day supply, and the…
**Amazon Lately** {3.6.2024}
I have ordered a lot of things from Amazon lately. This list is very random, but I thought you may get some inspiration. I ordered Milo this Calming dog bed to hopefully help with some anxiety and help him feel cozy and secure. He likes the bed, but right now all he wants to do is try to bite and chew the bed, so I feel like he still may be a little too young for it. We have put it up, so he doesn’t tear it apart. We will pull it back out in a few weeks to see if he will stop trying to rip it. I’m hoping this…
**Hello Monday** {3.4.2024}
Happy Monday!!! How are ya’ll doing today? Did you have a good weekend? Like the norml, I’m linking up with Holly and Sarah for Hello Monday and sharing a recap of our weekend. I snapped this pic first thing Friday morning of the A Duo. They were happy it was Friday! Friday and Friday night, the weather was yucky! So rainy and windy, and the temperature majorly dropped. So, we stayed in Friday night. I put in a baked potato, and Joey cooked some grilled chicken and shrimp. Saturday morning, I only had to get up once, around 3, to let Milo out. Then, we slept until about 7. While I was trying…
**Friday Favorites** {3.1.2024}
Happy March friends!! January was like 3 months long and February was like 4 days. It flew by! Like the norm, I’m linking up with the blogs AlittlebitofEverything and Momfessionals and sharing my favorite things from the week. I made Addison these “Bunny” cinnamon rolls this week, and she was so giddy excited about them! It wasn’t difficult at all. I just used our normal Annie’s Cinnamon Rolls and unrolled them a little to make the ears. So cute for Easter! Monday afternoon was insane…. I had to work until about 3:30, so we were already coming home on two wheels to get the dog to take to the vet. When we walked in…
**What’s up Wednesday** {2.28.2024}
It’s the last Wednesday of the month. I am linking up with Mix and Match Mama and Sheaffer and sharing what has been going on with us lately. It’s a little food, a little family, a little what we’re wearing, a little what we’re doing, a little what we’re watching and a little bit of everything else all in one post. I just love these posts! 1. What We Are Eating This Week: Sunday: Beef tips with brown gravy, mashed potatoes, green beans, mac n’ cheese (for Addison) Monday: Chicken Alfredo with salad Tuesday: Chili with toppings Wednesday: Leftover beef tips and sides Thursday: Leftover Chicken Alfredo Friday: Out to eat! Saturday: Kitchen’s closed! …
**Hello Monday** {2.26.2024}
Hi Friends!! I can’t believe it’s already back to Monday. We had last week off, and it really did fly by. Like usual, I’m linking up with Holly and Sarah for Hello Monday and sharing a recap of our weekend. On Thursday, Shannon and I took the girls to one of our favorite boutiques, Jules & James. It’s about a two hour drive from our house, and we had a great time walking around Carrolton. Here is me and Shannon with our purchases. 😉 We went in some girl boutiques, and the girls loved all the accessories. For lunch, we went to the Brown Dog Eatery. It’s always so good! They have the…
**Friday Favorites** {2.23.2024}
Happy Happy Friday!!! Our week off has flown by, and we are sad it’s almost over. Like the norm, I’m linking up with the blogs AlittlebitofEverything and Momfessionals and sharing my favorite things from the week. I’m starting way back to last Friday. On the way to Addison’s ENT appointment, we stopped by the pet shop and grabbed Milo some treats. Friday night, Addison spent the night with Joey’s Dad. We ended up going out to eat with Dustin & Shannon without kids. I’m so sad we forgot to even document the occasion. Haha! #bloggerfail Saturday, Joey and I ran over to Aunt Dot’s and Uncle Stan’s house to get a beautiful mantle they…
**How It’s Currently Going… ** {2.21.2024}
Happy Wednesday Friends! I’m sorry it’s been a bit. Sunday morning, on the way to church, I started feeling a little queasy. My stomach was aching just a bit. On the drive home from church, it was aching just a little bit more. We stopped by Mom & Dad’s house to check on things, and I told Joey I just wasn’t feeling quite right. I had wanted to go walking that afternoon, but I decided to lay down. My lower back was starting to hurt, so I took some ibuprofen. Once I rested for a bit, I seemed to feel okay….. I ended up cooking dinner, and we decided to…
**Friday Favorites** {2.16.2024}
Happy Happy Friday!! Today is a happy day because as of 3:00 today, we will be on Winter break! Like the norm, I’m linking up with the blogs AlittlebitofEverything and Momfessionals and sharing my favorite things from the week. Our week didn’t start so strong. Addison went to bed Sunday night not feeling so well. Monday morning, she wasn’t running a fever, but she was still not feeling like her normal self. It was hat day, so we tried to make the most of celebrating. However, I got a call, from the nurse around 11 that she wasn’t feeling well and starting to run a fever. So, home we went. She mostly just laid…
**Let’s Look At… the Little Things I do Every Single Day** {2.14.2024}
Happy Valentine’s day on a Wednesday Everybody!! How are ya’ll doing today? We are excited for lots of Valentine’s fun at school today, and plus I’ve got another fun link-up. Alright, so let’s get to it! On the second Wednesday of every month, I link up with Shay from MixandMatchMama and Erika from ALittleBitofEverything. Today, we are talking about the little things I do EVERY SINGLE day. 😉 There are so many little things I do every single day. It’s really hard to list them all. I go through them in my head daily, being the Type A person I am. It’s very regimented for me. I’m just going to list a…