**Weekend Recap** {3.23.2020}

Good Monday Morning!! We are on week 2 of school closure/digital learning.  It’s becoming the new norm around here. Despite everything going on, we are trying to still have fun while being “quarantined”.

Friday, after I had a long video conference, Penny, Cindy, Emily, Emma, and Adalynn came over to play. The girls had a blast playing inside/outside. Addison has really missed Adalynn. 

After they left, we walked around the yard and picked some purple wildflowers. 

We sat on the front porch, and Addison read to her class and the kitty. 😉

Saturday morning, while we were eating breakfast, we had some visitors. 

Then Anna serenaded us to “First time in Forever”. 

I told Joey I wanted to get out of the house and go walking through the woods somewhere. I just wanted to go ride anywhere to get out of the house for a little while. We drove up to a very remote lake that I hadn’t been to since I was little. It was the perfect little hike and Addison enjoyed some fishing. #peaceful #freshair

First fish!! Yay!! She was excited!!

We were pretty lazy most of Sunday. We watched some movies and took naps. It was great! We grilled out last night and had early bedtimes. 🙂

Have a wonderful week everyone!! See you back here on Wednesday for What’s Up Wednesday!! 🙂
