**Friday Favorites** {5.8.2020}

Happy Friday!! Happy Official last day of school for me. I will have to work with a few students the next two weeks, but for most of my students, they are done after today! Yay!! 

Today I’m linking up with the blogs AlittlebitofEverything and Momfessionals. I am sharing some of my favorite things from the week!! 🙂

I am still reminiscing from our camping trip last weekend. If you missed it, you can read all about it here

We had the best time!! 

My sweet Papa and Jo-Jo picked up us some strawberries from a local farm a few weeks ago. Mom made these to freeze, and we have loved eating on them all week. So sweet! Why is it strawberries fresh from the local farms are so much better than those in the store? #thingsthatmakeyougohmmm

If you missed my post on Wednesday where I shared what I’m watching on Netflix now. I’d love your suggestions! Check it out  here. 😉 

Since this past week was Cinco de Mayo, I thought these next two memes were fitting. Haha!

My Mom and I went to visit my Papa one day. It was so great to visit with him! Definitely a favorite for the week. I sure did miss him. Addison had fun riding on the golf cart and acting silly. 

Then she didn’t want to leave, so she decided to hug a tree. Haha!

Addison enjoyed drawing on my white board as I had a TEAMS meeting on my computer. 

Breakfast of Champions #nutellaforever

With this being Teacher Appreciation week, our awesome PTA had gifted us a free lunch/dinner at one of my favorite restaurants. 

My teacher bestie and I decided to get it together and social distance. 😉 It was definitely a highlight of our week. Getting to see friends, laugh a whole bunch and getting a delicious lunch!! 

Here we are going to pick it up! 🙂

One of the things I ordered for my Mom for Mother’s day were these shoes. I hope she likes them because I love mine. I wear them all the time! Thank you Amazon!! 

That’s it for today! I hope all the Mom’s out there of babies and fur-babies have a wonderful weekend!! Thank you so much for reading! 
