**Weekend Recap** New Camper’s Maiden Voyage {10.12.2020}

Happy Monday!! The students are off school today, but I’m at school having meetings/training all day.

This weekend we took a short camping trip. It was just about an hour away, and we wanted to check out all the things in our new camper. My parents and Aunt/Uncle went too and took their camper.

Hurricane Delta was set to arrive and bring tons of rain. We were crossing our fingers that we weren’t going to be flooded the entire weekend. 

This was Friday after setting up. 

We stirred and grilled up some veggies for dinner with some chicken. 

That evening, we made smores around the fire. 

That night was rough…. we didn’t get in the bed until about 11. Addison woke up screaming about 12:30. She was jerking and arching her back and would not tell us what was wrong. It scared us to death. We ended up just letting her sleep in our bed. Around 2, she started screaming and bucking again. She still wouldn’t tell us what was wrong. I don’t know if she had a nightmare and was just extremely terrified being in a new place, or my Aunt said she might be having growing pains. We still don’t know what it was, but whatever it was, I hope it doesn’t happen to often. My watch said I slept 3 hours and 30 minutes that night. 

The next morning, despite the limited sleep, Addison was up and ready to go. And thankfully, there was not much rain just some off and on sprinkles. 

The campground had lots of cute Fall decorations set up. Addison wanted pictures at all of them. Ha! 

The campground was right on the Coosawattee River. We couldn’t walk down to it because of the steep bank, but it was nice to look at. 

There were really nice playgrounds for the kids. I’m just very glad I ended up packing her boots and of course lots of play clothes. 

We walked to the pond and her and my Aunt Dot got a pic. 

The owners were so sweet and were all about the children. They had snow cones for everyone. 

The trees are just starting to turn colors. 

We had hotdogs, chili and cole slaw for dinner Saturday night. This griddle is so awesome for camping. This caddy is perfect for hanging all the grill tools and paper towels. 

Right after dinner, the rain arrived. It poured! Mom and Dad came over, and we all watched RV in our camper. 

That night, it poured rain pretty much all night. We woke up to more rain. We ate breakfast inside the camper. Thankfully, it started slacking and pretty much stopped while we were taking everything down and closing everything up. 


We had a great time! We love the camper! No major issues that we could see, not including the night of no sleep. I wish the weather would have cooperated more, but we can’t change it. I hope you all have a great start to your week. I will be back on Wednesday for another Let’s Look link-up. This month is How I pumpkin….