**Hello Monday** It’s Christmas week! {12.21.2020}

Happy Monday! Holy cow… it’s been a while… I apologize, and as most of you know, I’m technologically challenged. My site/theme went down last week. It was corrupted, whatever that means, I tried to fix it myself. That didn’t last very long. Long story short, I was doing live chats, phone calls, emails… trying to get it fixed. It was apparently, not an easy fix. #sigh. I think it’s up and running correctly now. And I’m glad to be back.ย 

So, I’m sharing a lot from last week and our weekend.ย 

We had lots of dress up days at school last week…. Monday was a favorite… It was candy cane day at my school and pajama day at A’s school. No pictures this early Mom.ย 

That night, I went out with some of my work friends. We had so many great laughs, and it was much needed! They keep me sane every day. ๐Ÿ˜‰ #favorites

Last Tuesday was wear red day. Addison wore her Reindeer outfit. Christmas outfits are a favorite.ย 

Side note… I had been looking for a few deoderant. I have tried many… Primally pure, two different scents of Native, and then this one…. This one is by far my favorite. Now, I’m not a huge fan of the Rosy smell, but I can get past it since my pits aren’t breaking out and I am not having smelly odor. If you’re looking for a deodorant without parabens and aluminum, look no further. Check this one out! Megababe

I got mine at my local Target. It does come in another scent, Sunny Pits, that may be better than the rose, but my store was out at the time.ย 

We have been watching ALL the Christmas movies…. Netflix has had some good ones lately. I loved this one below, “Christmas with a Prince”. It’s about a doctor at a children’s hospital, and I’m not going to lie, I teared up/cried a few times. You guys should watch it!

I must be on a Christmas Prince movie watching kick because I watched “The Christmas Prince” and then watched the sequel and then 3rd one too. Haha! These were all cute too!ย 

Addison had her dance recital a few weekends ago, and her dance studio sent this picture out. Our little dancer is a favorite! ๐Ÿ™‚

If you still need some last minute gift ideas, check out my women’s/colleagues post here

Check out my kids/toddler post here

We had lots of fun making ornaments… I get the privilege’s to be one of my cousin’s teachers. ๐Ÿ˜‰

I just love these sweet girls… this was Ugly Christmas Sweater day.ย 

These are my favorite masks from Old Navy. I love all the patterns, especially the Christmas ones. ๐Ÿ™‚

Friday was pajama day… Addison was the cutest. She was admiring all the ornaments on the tree.ย 

I got this lovely present from one of my paras… haha!ย 

And this awesome fanny pack from my admin. ๐Ÿ˜‰

Here are some ornaments/crafts Addison made at her school. We are so blessed by her little school and all the teachers.ย 

On Saturday, we ran some errands. I cleaned and wrapped some more presents. I saw this meme and had to laugh out loud.ย 

We headed out to take a ride to Blue Ridge. They were showing the Polar Express at the Drive-In theater. We were excited!!ย 

The town was all decorated and festive.ย 

We arrived to the drive-in about an hour before we started. We wanted to make sure we got a good spot. We played Heads-up and acted silly while we waited.ย 

Addison’s face throughout the movie was priceless. She loved it!

If you have a drive-in theater near you, I suggest taking the family. We had the best time! We hadn’t been to a movie in over a year.ย 

We left there and went downtown to see their “Polar Express” train all set up and decorated. Sorry for the blurriness, we were driving by…ย 

That’s it for today’s post. Thank you all for stopping by. I’m not sure how much I’ll be blogging this week. I want to cherish this time with my family. Merry Christmas to all of you! Many blessings to all of you!ย 
