**Friday Favorites** {12.23.2022}

Happy Happy Friday!! And Happy Christmas Eve Eve! 

Like the norm, I’m linking up with the blogs AlittlebitofEverything and Momfessionals and sharing my favorite things from the week.

Today, we have a digital working day, because of the frigid weather, so I’m cozy in my pajamas working on spreadsheets and data. 

We had so many fun things happen this week! As the leader of Joy Club, I helped to organize daily little treats for the teachers! 

Addison had a basketball game this week, and Elfie wanted to go cheer her on. She was over the moon excited about taking Elfie to the game with us! 

One night, he was praying and had been reading the story of Baby Jesus’ birth. She drew Elfie a picture, and it was the sweetest thing! 

We ran by our favorite restaurant to grab Addison’s teacher a gift card. She decided to play some checkers while we waited. 

We had lunchroom duty this week and had so much fun dancing to music. 

Here is our school staff all in our Ugly Christmas sweaters. We do have lots of fun! 

As I left school yesterday, there was a live manger scene set up. It was a sweet favorite to capture. 

I’ve never shared our Santa pictures with you all. We love our Santa and always have the best time! 

I loved the ones where they were playing basketball and practicing dance. 

These are just fun and so precious. 

Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays to you all! 

This cracked me up when I read it. 

On Wednesday, I shared about some special Christmas treats. If you need some inspiration, or want to try something new and delicious, check these out here

That’s it for today, friends! I will be taking off blogging on Monday. Depending on how busy we are and how much I just want to spend time with my family, I may take off Wednesday too. I am so thankful for you all and love my little blogging community. 


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