Weekend Recap
**Hello Monday** {2.6.2023}
Well, our weekend went a little differently than planned, but that’s alright Everyone needs to rest every now and then. I’m linking up with Holly and Sarah for Hello Monday and sharing a recap of our weekend. Friday, I got a call from Addison’s teacher a little before lunch that she was running a fever. So, off I went to get her. I ended up going ahead and taking her to Children’s Urgent care in hopes that they could give her something to kick it out fast. And, she was positive for strep, so luckily, we could get some antibiotics and start the process of feeling better. But first, a nap. I was able…
**Weekend Getaway Recap** {1.18.2023}
Hey guys!! Happy Wednesday! Because of the 3 day weekend, I am sharing everything that we did last weekend. We started with a birthday party, a little getaway, a lot of laughs, and a great time with family! Friday, after school, we had one of Addison’s classmates birthday party’s at Chuck E. Cheese. Oh the kids all just love this place! Happy Birthday, Henry!! She started with some games. Then it was pizza and cake time! Plus some singing and dancing fun! All I can say is that Chuck E. is a lot different from when I was growing up. There used to be a stage and all the characters…
**Hello Monday** {1.9.2023}
Happy Monday friends! I am officially back to school today. We had a wonderful Christmas break and enjoyed every minute of it. I’m glad to be back with you all for a New Year! I’m linking up with Holly and Sarah for Hello Monday and sharing a recap of our weekend. Friday, Joey was off work with us. We got up early and headed to the Waffle House. Then, we started driving North East toward Tallulah Gorge. It was a beautiful day! We stopped by an overlook, before driving in the park, to see what we were getting into. Joey was very excited. Me, not so much. I don’t like heights. We started out.…
**Hello Monday** {12.19.2022}
Hello, Monday!! I can’t believe Christmas is less than a week away! We are very much counting down until we get out for school! The students get out on Thursday, and we get out on Friday. We can’t wait! I’m linking up with Holly and Sarah for Hello Monday and sharing a recap of our weekend. Friday, Aunt Dot brought Isabel’s teacher’s lunch. She brought her favorite niece lunch too! She came and ate with me! We have lots of fun and so many laughs. Friday, Addison had her check up after school. We were there forever, and we ended up meeting Joey for dinner after at our favorite little Chinese restaurant. Joey and…
**Hello Monday** {12.12.2022}
Whew! Hey friends! We had another fun-filled Christmas weekend! Can’t believe we still have 2 more weeks to go before Christmas break begins! I’m linking up with Holly and Sarah for Hello Monday and sharing a recap of our weekend. Friday, our school went to the nearby College to see the Nutcracker. It was an exciting and special event for our students to get to attend. Santa even showed up!! They were all so excited!!! Friday night, we had our last Christmas recital rehearsal. We all had an early bedtime because we were up early Saturday night for basketball. We were home this week, so that was good! We had a lot of fans…
**Hello Monday** {12.5.2022}
Hey Hey Everybody! I can’t believe it’s already back to Monday. Our weekend was super busy, but very fun! It was full of lots of Christmas cheer! I’m linking up with Holly and Sarah for Hello Monday and sharing a recap of our weekend. We started off Friday morning all bundled up and festive for car duty. I had a delicious lunch of chicken salad and broccoli cheddar soup on Friday. Not having to worry about packing my lunch is always a great thing! Friday night, we loaded up a picnic and got all festive to go to a neighboring town’s parade. It’s always the best one around and has such a small town…
**Hello Monday** {11.28.2022}
Happy Happy Monday!! How are you all doing, my friends? I’m linking up with Holly and Sarah for Hello Monday and sharing a recap of our weekend. Well, I’m back at work, and this is how I’m feeling. LOL Now, we have 4 weeks to go for Christmas break! Lots of fun and magic these next few weeks! In keeping with the shopping theme, this made me laugh out loud! Friday morning, we were up early and doing lots of shopping! Saturday, Joey was feeling a little under the weather. We doctored him and headed out to do some Small Business shopping. While out and about, Addison was so excited she spotted Cindy Lou…
**Hello Monday** {11.21.2022}
Hello Monday of Thanksgiving break!! We are ready to relax and recharge! We had a great girl’s getaway weekend and also sprinkled in one family Thanksgiving get together. I’m linking up with Holly and Sarah for Hello Monday and sharing a recap of our weekend. I had to share these pictures. I walked into one of my besties classroom to check in on her, and her students were doing the coolest thing… turkey races!!! How flippin’ fun is this! The kiddos were loving it and having a blast! Mrs. Diamond, you make learning so fun! 😉 Every year, this weekend, Britney, Caroline, Katy, and I try to plan a girl’s getaway. Two years ago,…
**Hello Monday** {11.14.2022}
Happy Monday, Friends!! How was your weekend? Ours was packed full but oh so much fun!! I’m linking up with Holly and Sarah for Hello Monday and sharing a recap of our weekend. Friday, we had a wonderful Veteran’s day program and breakfast to honor any student’s family members who were/are Veterans. It turned out amazing, and it was great to see everyone and honor them! Friday night, after such a busy and exhausting day, I was asleep about 9. It was heavenly. Saturday morning, we were up early and at basketball practice by 9. Addison’s birthday is on Tuesday, and she wanted to go to the Georgia Aquarium with Adalynn for her birthday.…
**Hello Monday** {11.7.2022}
Hello Everybody! We had a very low-key weekend. Addison was sick, and I was getting over the funk, so we did a lot of relaxing and tv watching. We even had to miss Christmas recital practice and basketball practice, but it’s alright. I’m linking up with Holly and Sarah for Hello Monday and sharing a recap of our weekend. We started off our Friday with a trip to the doctor. Addison had had a fever for a few days, so I figured I better get her checked out. They did all kinds of tests, and it was all negative. So, viral it is. A little quick pic with an elf helper. When we got…